


美式发音: [ˈlɛzbɪərn] 英式发音: 








n.1.a woman who is sexually attracted to other women2.somebody who comes from the Greek Island of Lesbos

adj.1.involving or relating to lesbians


2.女同志者女同志者(lesbians)0人 0人 +1 回答时间 2006-10-12 07:11:26 Q 好像是:“女同志者”0人 0人 +1 回答时间 2006-10-12 07:35:14

3.女同志们女同志们Lesbians) 以下来自网络 悉尼同性恋大游行中的的泳装帅哥 参加悉尼同性恋游行的帅哥们

4.女同性戀者(2005台北认识同志手册)2. 女同性戀者(Lesbians)、男同性戀者(Gays)、双性戀者(Bisexuals)与跨性别者(Transgender)的一个 …


1.And if you think is just male-imposed false consciousness, try reading a few lesbians on this subject.如果你觉得这是男人施加的错误意识,那就去读一些女性在这些问题上的看法。

2.Today, I found out my girlfriend is pregnant and then decided to break up with her. Why? Were lesbians. FML.今天,我得知我的女朋友有身了。于是我决议和她分手。你问为啥子?因为咱们是百合。FML。

3.Today, I found out my girlfriend is pregnant and then decided to break up with her. Why? We're lesbians. FML.今天,我得知我的女朋友怀孕了。于是我决定和她分手。你问为什么?因为我们是百合。FML。

4.And although there has always been a strong presence of lesbians and bisexuals in the women's movement, most feminists are heterosexual.虽然女同性恋和双性恋者在这场女性运动中确实占有举足轻重的地位,但多数女权主义者还是异性恋者。

5.His wife, also in her sixties, wept in silence by the side, as the man told other parents of gays or lesbians about the story.当他向其他同性恋孩子的家长讲述这个故事的时候,他60多岁的妻子在一旁默默地哭泣。

6.In many major cities, at least, gays and lesbians no longer seem to need a safe place in the form of a store.至少,在许多主要的城市里,同性恋已不再需要商店这种形式的庇护之地了。

7.Even so, gay rights groups called it a major advance for the famipes of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender individuals.即使这样,同性恋权利团体仍认为这是对同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者家庭的一个重大的进步。

8.Gays, Lesbians and TranssexualsResearch shows that the basic template for the body and brain of a human foetus is female in its structure.对男同性恋、女同性恋和变性人的研究显示,人类胎儿的身体和大脑基础模板在结构上是女性。

9.He hopes that after reading this story at least one person will start treating gays and lesbians in a more patient way.他希望在读过他的故事后,至少有一个人会以更宽容的方式来对待同性恋者。

10.A woman in Changchun is going to open a studio which will offer photo shoots for lesbians.一名女子在长春设立了专给女同性恋者拍照的摄影棚,还未开业。