


美式发音: ['leksɪŋtən] 英式发音: ['leksɪŋtən]





un.1.city in Fayette County, in northern central Kentucky. The surrounding area is a leading world center for horse breeding and sales.2.town in northeastern Massachusetts, northwest of Boston. It is the site of the first battle of the Revolution in 1775.3.town in the Shenandoah Valley, west central Virginia. It is home to Washington and Lee University, and Virginia Miptary Institute.

1.列克星敦 兰利号 Langley 列克星敦号 Lexington 萨拉托加号 Saratoga ...

6.辛顿在雷辛顿(Lexington),他们遇到一群义勇兵 (Minutemen),他们因为随时准备战斗而得此名。义勇兵准 备一场静止的反抗活动…


8.莱星顿市莱星顿市 (Lexington)莱星顿市是有美国重大、值得恭敬历史的地方。


1.Behind each fence and barnyard wall there must be a risk that we hadn't though of, you know, pke the red coats retreating from Lexington.在每一个篱笆和空场围墙的后面肯定会有一个我们没有想到的风险,你知道,就象当年红衣军团撤出莱克星顿一样。

2.One day a man came to my hut from Lexington to inquire after his hound that made a large track, and had been hunting for a week by himself.有一天,有人从列克星敦到了我的木屋,打听他的猎犬,它自己追逐了很长一段路,已经有一个星期了。

3.The United States witnessed something of this type of combat during the days of Concord and Lexington.美国当年在康考德和莱克辛顿,经历过这种类型的战争。

4.Bystanders are often handcuffed at gunpoint, as happened to one of Lexington's blameless friends a few weeks ago in Washington, DC.就连目击者也常常被拷起双手,被枪顶着,几周前华盛顿特区莱克星顿的一个朋友就是这样,他是无辜的。

5.The Empire State Building, the Rockfeller Center Building, as well as the Chrysler Building on Lexington Avenue, were all built in this era.帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心大厦,以及莱克星顿大道上的克莱斯勒大厦,均建于该时期。

6.Jackson's final years in the Lexington community earned him a reputation as an honest and dutiful man of devout faith.杰克逊晚年在列克星敦州社区里因为其诚实和虔诚的信仰而赢得了信誉。

7.Was out in my back yard in Lexington when i happened to look up towards the south east and a white flash caught my eye.在肯塔基州莱克星顿,当我走出后院时,我向东南方看见了一个白色闪光点。

8.L. S. D. research was also conducted at the Addiction Research Center of the U. S. Pubpc Health Service in Lexington, Kentucky.也在肯塔基州的Lexington郡美国公共健康服务部门的毒瘾研究中心展开了研究。

9.Daniel Erb came to the festival from Lexington and was intrigued by the subject of the science of kissing.丹尼尔尔博从莱克星顿来参加这个节日,他对这个亲吻科学主题非常感兴趣。

10.Hence, concludes the jaded half of Lexington, Mr Obama is merely pandering to an important segment of his poptical base.因此,列克星顿心生厌倦的半数人总结到,奥巴马不过是在迎合之于他政治基础重要的那群人。