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1.Talking exclusively to LFC Weekly magazine, Johnson said: "It is all football with Rafa, but that's not a bad thing. "在利物浦每周杂志独家采访中,约翰逊说道:“贝尼特斯脑子里都是足球,但是这并不是一件坏事。”

2."Our programme targets anti-social behaviour in the hot-spot areas in and around Liverpool, " said the LFC in the community officer.“我们活动的箭头直指利物浦周边重点地区反社会行为,”利物浦社团官员说道。

3.You took a number of community coaches on the trip as well - how big a role did they play in spreading the word of LFC?在这一次行程当中你率领了为数众多的利物浦市其他球队的教练——他们在宣传利物浦当中扮演著甚麽角色?

4.When asked in an interview with LFC TV if he would ever consider coming back to his former club Alonso said: 'Why not?当龙哥接受LFC-TV采访的时候,被问及是否曾经考虑过重回安菲尔德球场?龙哥表示:为什么不能呢?

5."It's good to see the fans are enjoying watching the team play and the way we're trying to play, " he told LFC Magazine.“很开心看到球迷很享受我们的比赛,还有我们踢球的方式,”他告诉利物浦杂志。

6."The Merseyside derby is different to any other I've played in, " he told LFC Weekly.“默西塞德郡德比不同于我参与的其他比赛,”他对利物浦周刊说。

7.Not just one of LFC's finest players, Cally was a true gentleman of the game, only being booked once in his entire career.卡利不单是利物浦队史上最优秀的球员之一,他还是球场上真正的绅士——整个职业生涯仅领到过一张黄牌。

8.The full Lucas interview, plus an exclusive with Jay Spearing and a look back at the forgotten 1957-58 season, is in this week's LFC Weekly.全部卢卡斯采访,加上斯皮灵的独家采访,以及回首1957赛季,尽在每周利物浦杂志。

9."It would be great to win the World Cup, but it definitely wouldn't make up for this season with Liverpool, " Reina told LFC Weekly.“能够获得大力神杯当然很不错,但这并不能使我们忘记本赛季利物浦的糟糕,”雷纳面对利物浦周刊时表示。

10."Reina has been brilpant all season and is without a shadow of a doubt Liverpool's player of the year, " the Kopicon told LFC Weekly.“雷纳在整个赛季都非常出色,毋容置疑他是今年利物浦最佳球员,”利物浦传奇球星在利物浦每周杂志说道。