



美式发音: [ˈlaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪə(r)]



复数:liars  搭配同义词

v.+n.call liar

Adj.+n.good liar

n.deceiver,fraud,swindler,con artist,cheat



n.1.someone who tells lies

1.说谎者 ... experience: 经历,经验 liars: 说谎者 liar: 说谎者 ...

2.骗子 6.Peter On The Couch 皮特来了 7.Liars 雷的谎言 8.The Surprise Party 生日晚 …

4.说谎的 留心听奸诈( iniquity) 之言;说谎的( liars) 侧耳听邪恶( naughty) ...

5.说谎者乐队音乐表演 ... Harlem Jazz Shrines Festival 哈林爵士节 ★★★★ Concerts:Liars 说谎者乐队音乐表演 ★★★★…

6.说谎家 * 亚当坦斯达 Adam Tensta * 骗徒乐团 Liars * 亚当乐团 Adem ...

8.骗徒wixiw简介:布鲁克林骗徒Liars)乐团,不仅骗术高明,张张专辑皆高挂英美各大评媒年终榜单;赚取多颗星对这支由Angus …


1.Pretty Little Liars is all about keeping secrets- and that goes for its four lead actors, too.美少女的谎言全部都是在讲保密——这也是这部剧四个主演要做的事。

2.In a world filled with liars, lack of trust in others is often thought to be a sensible precaution.在一个说谎者的世界中,对他人缺乏信任是一种下意识的保护。

3.As you know, Samoan girls are terrific liars when it comes to joking.正如你所知,当开玩笑时,萨摩亚的姑娘可都是非常棒的说谎者。

4.I bring to mind Plato, who wished to ban all poets from his ideal republic because he thought they were liars .我想到了柏拉图:他希望将所有诗人据于他的理想国之外,只因他认为诗人不过是些骗子。

5.That I know not, Lord King, " said the Centaur. " But I know there are liars on earth; there are none among the stars.“国王啊,这我不知道,”人头马说道,“但我知道世界上有不少撒谎的骗子;天上的星星中可一个撒谎的骗子也没有。”

6.He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and for gers .知道真理而不大声说出来的人,使自己成为说谎者和骗子的同谋。

7.One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.有克里特人中的一个本地先知说,克里特人常说谎话,乃是恶兽,又馋又懒。

8.They were least accurate at spotting liars and most likely to hire one of the interviewees who had been lying.他们并不擅长识破谎言,而且更有可能在面试中雇佣一个说谎者。

9.I was too silly, lips say that no one, but I did not, ultimately, I was wrong. People are liars. Also includes me.我太傻了,嘴上说不相信任何人,可是我没有做到,最后我还是错了。人都是骗子。也包括我。

10.Many of them are uncouth, lacking of refinement, liars and untrustworthy, nothing but a bunch of "Noveau riches" .其国民大多没有教养,粗鲁野蛮,好撒谎,没信用。只是一群暴发户。