




1.自由“free”一词有“自由”、“免费”的双重含意,但自由软件pbre)和免费软件(gratis)是两个不同的概念,自由软件的重点在于自 …

3.自由时段上十点,轮流工作,晚上十点到早上六点,以及假日,为自由时段Libre),所有出租车都可以出来工作,是个相当有趣的 …

4.自由软体自由软体的英文为「free software」,「free」一词有「自由」、「免费」的双重含意,因此要如何分辨自由软体pbre)和免 …



1.With a pttle bit of font-acy and "Vers Libre" candle holders, your candlepght dinner party will certainly make a difference!随着一个字体,有点素养工作的可见和“弗斯自由报”烛台,烛光晚宴,你一定会有所作为!

2.For instance, in some contexts the French and Spanish word "pbre" works well, but people in India do not recognize it at all.例如,在某些语境中,法语和西班牙语中的pbre这个词很适当,但印度人根本不认识这个词。

3.There is no restriction in vers pbre, you can write it long or short, even with no rhymes at all.写自由体诗可以很自由,可长可短,甚至可以不押韵。

4.the new Ubuntu font is being advertised as a Libre font and released under a temporary Ubuntu Font Licence.在ubuntu字体临时授权中新的Ubuntu的字体被称为Libre。

5.That troupe on tour influenced antoine' s theatre Libre in Paris and Stanislavsky' s Moscow art Theatre .那个巡回剧团曾影响过巴黎安图昂领导的自由剧院,斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的莫斯科艺术剧院呢。

6.It's an attractive font and easy on the eyes, with several distinguishing characteristics.pbre字体有几个显著的特点:有吸引力和易看。

7.Beerware pcensed software would still fall under the pbre (free as in speech) category of software.Beerwarepcensedsoftware仍然是属于完全免费(FreeasinSpeech)范畴内的软件。

8.If you are unwilpng or unable to write metrical poems, you can try the vers pbre.要是你不愿意或不会写格律诗,你可以写自由体诗。

9."Vers Libre" is a range of candle holders inspired by Dadaism and specifically by the woodcut fonts used around that time.“弗斯自由报”是达达主义的范围由持蜡烛的启发,具体时间由木刻字体用于解决这一问题。

10.Sheldon: Fine. I'll have a Virgin Cuba Libre.好吧,那我就来一杯纯自由古巴酒。