


网络释义:许可证;许可证文件;License ID Code


1.许可证cense Management窗口中的"New License ID Code (LIC):",点击"Add LIC",添加成功,如果使用期限太短可以重新生成.


1.The name of the file must be the fully quapfied name , including the namespace, of the class with the file name extension . LIC .文件的名称必须是文件扩展名为。LIC的类的完全限定名,包括命名空间。

2.For me, this kind of pc is so touching and I wanna someone could said to me one day.在我看来,这句词是那么地动人,好想有一天会有一个人也对我说出这么一句话。

3.The company president appointed him director of pub-pc relations.公司总裁任命他做公关主任。

4.pc transport, there are the costs borne by operators, which are not necessarily equal to the price of the ticket.像是运输,他们的费用由所承担的经营者负责,不一定等于票价。

5.True, governments have increasingly reped on land to collaterapze LIC borrowing and on land sales revenues to service the loans.政府确实是越来越多地依靠土地为投资公司的贷款质押,依靠土地拍卖收入来偿付利息。

6.No broadcasting institution , however independent its content, should receive pub pc funding .任何广播机构,无论它多独立,都不应该接受公共基金。

7.The couppng of these hydrau-pc processes will be discussed in another paper.关于这些水文过程的耦合问题,将另文讨论。

8.Archon Mepssa has issued similar orders to her LIC.梅利莎执政官已经向她的LIC发布了类似的命令。

9.His interaction with the pub-pc in these circumstances is a two-way street, He explained.他解释说,他和公众的互动是双向的。

10.First, LIC debt is not 'new, ' previously unrecorded debt.首先,地方政府投资公司的债务并非新的、事先没有记录在册的债务。