



美式发音: [ˈlaɪs(ə)ns] 英式发音: ['laɪs(ə)ns]



复数:licenses  现在分词:licensing  过去式:licensed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.valid license,permanent license,special license,temporary license

v.+n.get license,issue license,revoke license,renew license,grant license





n.1.an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something2.official permission for someone to do something; freedom to say or do what you want; freedom in art or literature to do things that are not traditional, real, or accurate in order to create impressive effects

v.1.if someone is licensed to do something, they have official permission to do it from a government, business, or other authority2.if something is licensed, people have official permission to use it

na.1.The variant of licence

1.许可证 law of one price 单一价格法则 licenses 许可证 long run 长期 ...

2.授权 License Server 许可服务器 授权伺服器 licenses 授权 授权 light 光源 光源 ...

3.执照 liability 负债 licenses 执照 liquidation 清偿 ...

4.营业执照tents )、著作权(Copyrights )、证照(Licenses)、品牌( Brand names )、客户名单(Customer lists )、进口配额( Import quotas ) …

6.服务器许可证 ... 浏览器支持( Browser Compatibility) 服务器许可证( Licenses) 网站签章( Site Seal ) ...

7.许可数目 Skill)等级为0的人对这份蓝图制作一份 最大许可数目(Licenses)BPC所需要的时间。


1.If appropriate, please be sure to bring all of your professional certificates and licenses with you to the ship.如果有的的话,请将所有的资格证书带上船。

2.Any other issuing organizations have no right to issue the export licenses of the commodities subject to compensated quota bidding.其他任何发证机关无权签发配额有偿招标商品的出口许可证。

3.Three together is called a license, there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins.三张连在一起的牌叫一副,有三副另加一对牌者为胜。

4.SARFT officials said the closed websites did not have licenses issued by the administration.广电总局的官员称,被关闭的网站没有获得由广电总局颁发的许可证。

5.The Manage Licenses wizard helps you to set up the licenses for your packages.管理许可证向导有助于设置软件包的许可证。

6.Mr. Latchford similarly denied any role in procuring export licenses. "I never conspired with anyone, " he said.拉奇福德同样否认曾帮助搞到出口许可。“我从未和任何人串通过,”他说。

7.Enough virtual user licenses to be able to place as close to a production load as possible to each logical instance of the operating system.能够在操作系统的每个逻辑实例中提供足够的虚拟用户许可证,以提供与生产负载类似的负载。

8.If you click on Manage Licenses but do not give it a valid license, you will not be able to access the product workspace.如果单击ManageLicenses,但是没有提供有效的许可证,就无法访问产品的工作空间。

9.To obtain this software, see your IBM sales representative to purchase, or check with your employer to see if they have available licenses.要获得该软件,请向IBM销售代表购买,或询问您的老板是否有可用许可。

10.Applications can create or verify application licenses which are bound to users, systems or any other entity.邦定到用户,系统或其他任何实体。