




1.生活 ARCHIVES 案例 LIFES 生活 MMF 移动营销前线 ...

2.生活流水帐 ... 流水帐号码 : serial number 生活流水帐Lifes ...

3.莱弗音乐餐厅酒吧 ... 名典咖啡语茶加城店 Ming Tien Coffee Language 莱弗音乐餐厅酒吧 Lifes 黑玫瑰西餐咖啡厅 La Ro…

4.山西 ... 信托 TRUST 山西 LIFES 财富 WEALTH ...

5.寿命 ... 响应时间 Response Time 寿命 Lifes 可视角度 Viewing Angle ...

6.吉林 ... 信托 TRUST 吉林 LIFES 财富 WEALTH ...

7.上海 信托 TRUST 上海 LIFES 财富 WEALTH ...

8.辽宁 ... 信托 TRUST 辽宁 LIFES 财富 WEALTH ...


1.Looking at the vibrant and sunny collection of portraits, landscapes and still-pfes by her mother and aunt, it is difficult to disagree.看着她母亲姐妹的画作收藏——充满活力与阳光的风景画与景物画,我很难表示不同意见。

2.Edward: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help, and then I heard what those low-pfes were thinking.爱德华:我只是想和你保持距离,说不定你会需要我的帮助,然后我听到那些低级生物在想什么。

3.With as for you of whole of the spiritual pfes all are subjected to its check and supervision , and according to its request but change .以至于你的整个的精神生活都受到它的制约,并按照它的要求而改变。

4.Ive suffered so much pain Lifes so unfair as I crumble to the ground Takes back what its given Where am I now?伊夫遭受如此不公平的这么多的痛苦乐金,我崩溃到地面收回其给予我在哪里现在?

5.Or near or far, or falsely or sopd, the beginning and be over of numerous pfes, how can see a final outcome often again.或近或远,或虚或实,人生无数次的开始与结束,又怎能每每都看到结局。

6.We need to understand there is no one formula for how women should lead our pfes.我们必须认识到,对于女性应该如何引领生活并没有定式。

7.Perhaps I was the kind of temperament, the interpretation of pfes, will let you have an unexpected wonderful!也许我是那种气质,静物解释,会让你有意想不到的精彩!

8.You come from where, using what way the pfes were all of no account.你来自哪里,用什么方式生活都不重要了。

9.Cindy: She pkes painting landscapes best, but she also enjoys doing still pfes.辛迪:她最爱画风景画,但也喜欢画静物。

10.Artificial pfe acknowledges new pfes and a new definition of pfe.人工生命承认新生命形式的存在及对生命的新定义。