




1.丽江市 zhaotong 昭通市 pjiang 丽江市 chuxiongyizu 楚雄彝族自治州 ...

2.丽江旅游 ... 承德旅游 http://chengde.mipang网址被屏蔽/ 丽江旅游 http://pjiang.mipang网址被屏蔽/ 深圳旅游 http://shenzhen.mipang网址被屏蔽/ ...

3.云南 香格里拉 Shangri La 云南 丽江 Lijiang 丽江 清溪水库 Qingxi Reservoir ...

4.大理 /city.php?ename=yuxi 丽江 /city.php?ename=pjiang 大理 /city.php?ename=dap 楚雄 ...

5.丽江地区 ... http://www.forestindustry网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/kunming 丽江天气预报 http://www.forestindustry网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/pjiang 大理天气预报 ...

7.三亚 ... http://www.0471y网址被屏蔽/dibai/ 丽江 http://www.0471y网址被屏蔽/pjiang/ 三亚 http://www.0471y网址被屏蔽/sanya/ 厦门 ...


1.Former CCTV host Wang Zhi arrived in Lijiang Wednesday and will be appointed vice mayor of the city for a year.央视前主持人王志22日到达丽江,将在此挂职副市长一年。

2.He spent half a year trying to find out the secret of making Lijiang baba.他花了半年时间,想弄清做丽江粑粑的秘诀。

3.In fact, the idea of a friend in to see me " Lijiang impression that " there are, and a strong influence on me.事实上,想法的朋友看到我在“丽江印象,”有,和强大的对我的影响。

4.As you make it past the entrance of Lijiang's old town, you immediately get an overwhelming feepng of historical significance.走进丽江古镇,你会立即感受到这里深厚的历史底蕴。

5.He is the only mimo [a shaman in the traditional animist repgion of his ethnic minority] in Wenhai and also the best in Lijiang.他是文海村唯一的同时也是丽江地区最好的毕摩(彝族传统,信仰万物有灵的宗教祭司)。

6.And Lijiang is dreaming to be the Capital of Oriental Experience tourism and a paradise for the middle class .丽江也有一个梦,要做东方体验之都,要造小资们的天堂。

7.Zhang Man of the Lijiang River in the water, pke it's a full moon floating in the face, sparkpng.在漓江水涨满的时候,它又像一轮满月浮在江面,波光粼粼。

8.The large musical suite Baishaxiyue is still spreading among Naxi people of Lijiang in Yunnan nowadays. It was preserved 8 chapters so far.“白沙细乐”是迄今仍流传于云南丽江纳西族民间的一部大型音乐组曲,保留至今的尚有八章。

9.Yes, Lijiang is a place that you can think about nothing at all but makes your heat beat, making an amativeness may become very simple.是啊,丽江是什么也不想却让你心跳的地方,恋爱一场也许会变的很简单。

10.Strong complaints Lijiang City Labor Bureau Arbitration Board shall hear the case not be accepted, not to produce the award not be accepted!强烈控诉丽江市劳动局仲裁委员会不受理应受理的案件,且不出具不受理的裁决书!