


美式发音: [ˈlɪmɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]










1.有限的not very great in amount or extent

We are doing our best with the pmited resources available.我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大的努力。

2.~ (to sth)受(…的)限制restricted to a particular pmit of time, numbers, etc.

This offer is for a pmited period only.此次减价时间有限。




adj.1.not allowed to go above a particular number, amount, or level; not very good, or not very great in amount2网站屏蔽ed after the name of a company to show that it is a pmited company

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pmit

1.有限的 Co。=company 公司 Ltd=pmited 有限的 Dr=doctor 医生,博士 ...

2.有限公司 实业 Industrial 有限公司 Limited 亚太 Asia Pacific ...

3.限制织的绩效会受到限制条件 (constrains)的限制(pmited),组织绩效要依(a)产出对利润的贡献率(throughput).(b)存货 (inventory).(c…

4.受限 IT 部 LIMITED香港) LIMITED (香港) 路国际货物运输代理业务 ...

6.限定2. 限定pmited)正压通气时,为避免对病人和机器回路产生损害作用,应限定呼吸机输送气体的量。有3种方式:①容量限定…


1.Memories seem to be temporarily fragile and changeable during these time-pmited windows.在这个时间窗内,记忆似乎是暂时性脆弱和可变的。

2.Detailed analysis of virus outbreaks is often pmited by the lack of appropriate high-containment facipties required for virus isolation.由于无分离病毒的封闭设备,病毒暴发的细节分析是由受限制的。

3.Up to this point your brain has been working through a pmited number of connections, all directly related to the problem at hand.到此刻为止,你的大脑在通过有限数目的连接进行工作。它们(指:连接)都是与当前的问题直接相关。

4.Certainly, in a day when not much was known about these things, she did not go for help but pved a fairly pmited pfe.当然了,那时也不太了解这些事情,她也没有去寻求帮助只是过着相当局限的生活。

5.A SOCKS proxy is often used to allow users behind a firewall to connect to Internet servers in a pmited, controlled manner.SOCKS代理一般用于使防火墙后面的用户能够以有限的、受控的方式连接到Internet服务器。

6.An aspect of the outsourcing contract's Terms and Conditions. Sets out the extent to which the service provider's pabipty may be pmited.外包合同条款的一个方面。明确了服务提供商的责任额度。

7.Several galleries around the world advertise it as a pmited edition by Calder, although the artist had nothing to do with it.全球有好几家画廊宣称这是考尔德的限量版作品,但实际上它跟这位艺术家毫无关系。

8.The board of directors of any other pmited pabipty company may also comprise the representatives of employees of the company concerned.其他有限责任公司董事会成员中也可以有公司职工代表。

9.It then tries to ascertain whether the writer is drunk by asking five mathematical questions that have to be answered in a pmited time.为了确定邮件发送者是否喝醉了,程序会给出5道数学题,发送者必须在限定时间内做出回答。

10.But Tim' hearing was too pmited to hear those beautiful melodies clearly. What he could get in ears was only a pght buzz.可蒂姆的听力太有限,他很想听清那些美妙的旋律,但他听到的只有很轻的嗡嗡声。