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n.1.a large hardy beef cow, belonging to a breed that originated in Limousin, a region of central France

1.利穆赞括普罗文斯(隆河 以东) ,兰多克(隆河以西) ,利穆桑(Limousin) ,奥文尼及加斯科尼. 法语起源 源自拉丁语 法语为罗曼语系河印欧 …

7.法国利穆赞大区法国利穆赞大区Limousin)铀矿组建了兼职专家评论组Information and analytical data system on radioecological impact of th…


1.the combinations with Hereford Limousin and Piemontese as paternal parent are better than others in Funing regions.在抚宁代表区域,以海伏特、利木赞和皮埃蒙特为父本的组合最好。

2.This final phase of maturation for this cognac involves being sent in Limousin oak barrels around the world on a 3-month ocean voyage.这款干邑在熟化的最后阶段被放入大橡木桶内,然后做三个月的海上环行。

3.The group will leave Florence to reach Piacenza, a land which hosts several Limousin breeders.与会者将离开佛罗伦萨抵达皮亚琴察,这一地带拥有数个利木赞牛种。

4.Limousin bulls stand at a cattle auction in Gross Kreutz, Germany.利木赞牛站在一个家畜拍卖上,大克罗伊茨,德国。

5.Departure to the Mugello area to visit other remarkable Limousin herds.接着,前往穆杰罗地区参观其他著名的利木赞牛群。

6.He was born in Bourganeuf , in the Limousin region of France.他出生于布尔加讷夫,在对法国利穆赞地区。

7.It is a rather gorgeous, rusty-brown coloured, 13-month-old Limousin cow, dark of eye and furry of coat, and tagged with the number 365.这是一头相当漂亮,锈褐色的,13个月大的利木赞牛,深色的眼睛和毛茸茸的外皮,有一个365的号码标记。

8.Are we going to get on the pmousin?我们要去搭小型巴士吗?

9.The Feasibipty Study of Estabpshing Breeding and Production Base and Industriapzed Development of Limousin in West China建立中国西部利木赞肉牛扩繁育肥基地及产业开发的可行性分析

10.Simmental Angus Limousin Charollais Challenges and Directions in Beef Cattle Industry肉牛产业的挑战和发展方向