




1.吝洪 ... not niggardly with gold and gem 不吝金玉 Lin Hong 吝洪 1. (吝啬) stingy;mean;miserly ...

2.洪林 ... 谢铿 Hung Tse 洪林 Lin Hong 陈厚基 Hau Kee Chan ...

3.洪麟 ... 傅雷 Lei Fu 洪麟 Lin Hong 林美照 Mei-Zhao Lin ...


1.Lin Hong: Well, the final exam is always more difficult. You have to work harder. You will certainly do better next time.林红:噢,期末考试总是比较难。你得更努力地学习,下次一定会考好的。

2.Lin Hong: Five rooms. There are two bedrooms, one sitting room, one kitchen and one bathroom.林红:共有五间,其中有两间卧室、一间客厅、一间厨房和一间浴室。

3.Lin Hong: Hello, Susan! How was your exam yesterday?林红:苏珊,你好!你昨天考得怎么样?

4.Lin Hong: Maybe the course were too demanding.林红:那可能是这些课程都比较耗费精力。

5.Lin Hong: Maybe you took too many courses this year.林红:可能你今年选的课太多了。

6.Lin Hong: Are there lots of parties on campus?林红:校园里的聚会多吗?。

7.Lin Hong: Look at this page. All these marvelous gadgets for a bath!林红:来看看这页的内容,这些用于洗浴的小玩意真是不可思议!

8.Lin Hong: Come on! They are just luxuries. And you will have them some day.林红:好啦,那只是一些奢侈品,而且在某一天你会拥有它们的。

9.Lin Hong: Well, I'm going to buy some flowers and some new curtains tomorrow.林红:嗯,我明天要去买些花和新窗帘。

10.Lin Hong: Oh, I see.林红:噢,明白了。