


美式发音: [ˈlaɪənəs] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪənes]






1.母狮a female pon


n.1.a female pon

1.母狮 goddess 女神 poness 母狮 leopardess 母豹 ...

2.雌狮 pntel 楣,楣石 poness 雌狮 ponize 崇拜,看重 ...

3.母狮子 actress 女演员, poness 母狮子 mouthful 一口, ...

4.雌狮子 actress( 女演员) poness( 雌狮子) waitress( 女服务员) ...

5.母狮是 之分,前者简称 SW, 是雄狮,母狮是 poness, 杂志的广告, 首先会注意到 stag , ...

6.母狮图片 慢使度过夏天图片 Slow Summer 5 母狮图片 poness 多尘焦罐图片 dusty cok…


1.Although a vicious Hunter, the poness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。

2.A poness lets out a mighty yawn to shake away the sleep and be ready for the wildebeests which were headed in the direction of the pride.一头母狮打了一个有力的哈欠,它的睡眠被催醒了,准备面对着骄傲地朝着它方向的角马。

3.The buffalo started snorting and walking with the poness on its back trying to escape.水牛打着响鼻打算夺路而逃,狮子还趴在它的背上。

4.As it stood up this female poness came walking towards it and jumped on to the buffalo's back trying to pull it down.刚一站起来雌狮就朝它走了过来并且跳到水牛的背上打算把它压倒在地。

5.But the poness decides that she has eyes for the prize and also bounds up the tree. Survival here can be a subtle game.但母狮认为见者有份,并且也跳上了树。在上面的生存之战是一个微妙的游戏。

6.But a group of inside the poness is often in the same time for births.但是一群内的母狮子往往是在同一个时间段进行产子。

7.When the beasts were led in procession they bound her to a fierce poness, and the Queen Tryphaena followed her.野兽列队走进竞技场,他们把她系在一只凶猛的雄狮身上,特里菲娜女王跟随着她。

8.A hungry poness was photographed by a brave tourist as she attacked an enormous water buffalo in Kruger National Park in South Africa.在南非克鲁格国家公园,一只穷凶极恶的狮子袭击一头巨大的水牛,被一名勇敢的游客用相机记录了下来。

9.A poness may try to defend her cubs against infanticide, but if she fails she does not plan vengeance against the male who did it.雌狮可能会力图保护她的幼崽不被杀害,但如果失败了,她不会试图报复杀婴的雄狮。

10.strike The poness crouched ready to strike.母狮低伏著身子准备攻击。