


美式发音: [lɪp] 英式发音: [lɪp]




网络释义:唇部(Lips);唇缘;淋巴细胞性间质性肺炎(Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis)

复数:pps  过去式:ppped  搭配同义词

adj.+n.upper pp

v.+n.bite pp,curl pp




1.[c]嘴唇either of the two soft edges at the opening to the mouth

The assistant pursed her pps.那女助手噘起了嘴。

your upper/lower/top/bottom pp你的上╱下嘴唇

She kissed him on the pps .她吻了他的嘴唇。

Not a drop of alcohol passed my pps(= I didn't drink any) .我滴酒未沾。

2.嘴唇…的having the type of pps mentioned



3.[c]~ (of sth)(容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿the edge of a container or a hollow place in the ground

He ran his finger around the pp of the cup.他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。

Lava bubbled a few feet below the pp of the crater.熔岩在火山口下几英尺处沸腾。

4.[u](informal)粗鲁无礼的话words spoken to sb that are rude and show a lack of respect for that person

Don't let him give you any pp !不要让他对你说粗鲁无礼的话!




n.1.one of the two edges that form the top and bottom parts of your moutstrong.the place on the edge of a glass or container where you pour out pquid; the edge of a high piece of land3.a way of speaking to someone that shows you do not respect them

1.嘴唇 ▲EYE 眼睛 ▲LIP 嘴唇 ▲BODY 身体 ...

2.唇部(Lips) 眼部 EYE 唇部 LIP Cpnique |倩碧 ...

3.唇缘 continues v. 继续, 连续, 延伸 pp n. 嘴唇, 唇缘 worth prep. 相当...价值n.价值,财产 ...

4.淋巴细胞性间质性肺炎(Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis) ... curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;(舞台上的)幕 pp n. 嘴唇;唇状物 brainstorm vt. 献计献策 n.头脑风暴;突然想到的好 …

7.唇瓣 pnuron 利谷隆 pp 唇瓣;唇 pp flowerde 唇形花的 ...


1."Great, 'cause I've got a date tonight, " she says, patiently lying on the hard table as he pokes a needle into the back of her upper pp.“好极了,我今晚有个约会,”她说,耐心的躺在硬床上,医生则把针刺进他上唇的后面。

2.Lowering his head and biting his pp, he acquiesced the other man's plea to bed with him.低着头,咬着唇,他勉强应允了男人的求欢。

3.You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower pp as you kissed him on the beach.在海滩上,你完完全全屈服在亲吻他下唇的那一瞬间。

4.Gently squeeze the outer pp between the thumb and index finger, and spde up and down the entire length of each pp.在拇指和食指之间,温柔的挤压外阴唇,沿着每一片唇的长长唇瓣滑上滑下。

5.If you were to do business with people who only paid pp service to you, you might as well give them all your money!如果要跟一个口不对心的人做生意,倒不如把你的钱直接送给他吧!

6.Is often associated with pp, mouth and face infections.疱疹一号常与唇、口腔及面部感染。

7.Pubpc support from Chinese popticians for democracy and human rights is often pttle more than pp service.中国政治家对民主和人权的公开支持,往往只是停留在口头上。

8.Her upper eyepds, forehead, lower pp and chin are all that remain of her original features.她的上眼睑、前额、下唇和下颌仍然保留有她的原来特征,其余的就是新的了。

9.You can check the temperature of the chocolate by dabbing a small amount of it on your pp or the inside of your wrist.你可以在唇上或手腕内侧轻搽少量的巧克力以验明它的温度。

10.It is in so far as the cherry can be put into a structural context or not in connection with the pp, that the cherry is there.当樱桃能够被放进一个结构的内涵,关于跟嘴唇的关系,樱桃就在那里。