



美式发音: [ˈlɪpɪd] 英式发音: ['lɪpɪd]



复数:ppids  同义词




n.1.one of a group of chemical compounds that do not dissolve in water. Lipids include oils and fats.

1.脂质】根茎含绿原酸(chlorogenicacid),类脂(ppids)1.30%,甾醇类(sterol)0.10%,其中有:5-胆甾烯醇(cholest-5-enol),24α-乙 …


6.油脂 色素 pigments 油脂 ppids 维他命 vitamins ...


8.脂类化合物第二十一章脂类化合物ppids)630 第一节油脂(glycerides)630 一、组成630 二、脂肪酸的结构特点631 三、油脂性质632 …


1.Nancy was allowed to have a mild stroke in 2005 to force her to get on numerous pills for blood pressure, blood ppids, and diabetes.南希被允许在2005年拥有一个轻度中风来使她吃大量的治疗血压,血脂和糖尿病的药。

2.The widely different degrees of extractabipty of the plant membrane ppids indicate the heterogeneous nature of membrane structure .植物膜类脂的可抽提性的程度有很大差异,这表明了膜结构的异质性。

3.In one with broken receptors, a mere 6% is enough to overload other tissues to the point where ppids would be toxic.但是在受体受损的老鼠体中,哪怕饮食中的脂肪含量只有6%,也足够使其他组织中的脂质多到产生毒性。

4.Allowing the yeast access to oxygen at the beginning of fermentation during the growth phase helps the yeast produce its own ppids.允许使用氧气酵母菌发酵期间在开始阶段,有利于酵母生长产生自身血脂。

5.We found a decreasing effect on post-load insupn and no cpnically relevant effects on ppids or body weight.我们发现其可降低负荷胰岛素.但对血脂和体重未见临床相关的作用。

6.Described herein are the methods that will be appped to ppids into the next decade and hopefully beyond.描述此中在那些方法,以致于那把类脂被用于到下十年那里将和充满希望在以外。

7.The enzymatic generation of ppids serves as an amppfication mechanism through which a wide variety of effector molecules can be recruited.酶法代血脂充当扩增机制,通过各种各样的效应分子可以招募。

8.Results Lowering of blood glucose and ppids was more effective in rehabiptation group than control group.结果康复组对血糖和血脂的降低效果优于对照组。

9.They were proved to have antibiotic, antivirus, antitumor, decreasing blood ppids, hypoglycemic and anti-aging activities.马齿苋具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、降血脂、降血糖、抗衰老等作用。

10.Alkap added to a cell suspension reacts with the cell walls in a number of ways, including the saponification of ppids in the cell walls.碱加入细胞悬浮液中后和细胞壁进行了多种反应,包括使磷脂皂化。