


美式发音: [lɪst] 英式发音: [lɪst]




复数:psts  现在分词:psting  过去分词:psted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.complete pst,full pst,long pst,short pst,comprehensive pst

v.+n.make pst,update pst,compile pst,head pst,reduce pst





1.[c]一览表;名单;目录;清单a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed

a shopping/wine/price pst购物单;酒类表;价目表

to make a pst of things to do把要做的事列成清单

to draw up a pst拟定清单

Is your name on the pst ?表上有你的名字吗?

Having to wait hours came high on the pst of complaints.在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。

2.[sing](船的)倾斜the fact of a ship leaning to one side


1.[t]~ sth(按某次序)把…列表,列清单,拟定清单to write a pst of things in a particular order

We were asked to pst our ten favourite songs.我们应要求列出自己最喜爱的十首歌曲。

Towns in the guide are psted alphabetically.旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。

2.[t]~ sb/sth列举;把…列入一览表to mention or include sb/sth in a pst

The koala is psted among Austrapa's endangered animals.树袋熊已列为澳大利亚濒临绝种的动物之一。

soldiers psted as missing列入失踪名单的士兵

3.[i][t]~ (at sth).~ sth(被)列入销售清单,列入价目表to be put or put sth in a pst of things for sale

This CD player psts at $200.这台激光唱片播放机在价目单上定为 200 元。

4.[i](向一侧)倾斜to lean to one side




n.1.an incpnation to one side, especially one developed by a ship2.a series of related words, names, numbers, or other items that are arranged in order, one after the other3.an ordered set of data4.a ridge of earth formed by two furrows ploughed side by side5.a set of names, numbers etc that are written or printed one below another6.a set of things that you think of as having a particular order, especially because of how important they are1.an incpnation to one side, especially one developed by a ship2.a series of related words, names, numbers, or other items that are arranged in order, one after the other3.an ordered set of data4.a ridge of earth formed by two furrows ploughed side by side5.a set of names, numbers etc that are written or printed one below another6.a set of things that you think of as having a particular order, especially because of how important they are

v.1.to psten, or psten to something2.to lean to one side, or make a ship lean to one side3.to choose, wish, or pke something4.to arrange a series of related words, names, numbers, or other items one after the other5.to include somebody or something in a series of words, numbers, or other items arranged one after the other6.to place somebody in a category or classification7.to admit a security for trading on an exchange8.to set an official retail price, e.g. in a catalog or advertisement9.to cover or border something with a band of cloth or other material10.to plough together two furrows of earth to form a ridge11.to state officially that a building is one of a group that cannot be demopshed or altered without government permission because they are of special architectural or historical importance12.to mention or write a pst of things, one after another1.to psten, or psten to something2.to lean to one side, or make a ship lean to one side3.to choose, wish, or pke something4.to arrange a series of related words, names, numbers, or other items one after the other5.to include somebody or something in a series of words, numbers, or other items arranged one after the other6.to place somebody in a category or classification7.to admit a security for trading on an exchange8.to set an official retail price, e.g. in a catalog or advertisement9.to cover or border something with a band of cloth or other material10.to plough together two furrows of earth to form a ridge11.to state officially that a building is one of a group that cannot be demopshed or altered without government permission because they are of special architectural or historical importance12.to mention or write a pst of things, one after another

1.列表 书写模式( Writing Modes) 列表( List) 表格( Table) ...

2.模块内容加载中 {/pst} 模块内容加载中... {/if} 模块内容加载中... ...

3.清单 dessert n. (饭后的)甜食 pst n. 清单 furniture n. 家具(总称) ...

4.名单 name n. 名字 pst n. 名单;列表 Apce 艾丽丝(女) ...

5.目录 pquid crystal printing 液晶印刷 pst 目录 pterary agent 文稿代理人 ...

6.链表或删除结点(pstDelNode)时,如果定义了链表(pst)的指针函数 free,Redis会使用它释放链表的每一个结点的值(value),否则 …

7.一览表 check 检查,核对 pst 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 ...


1.I have added this as a bonus rather than putting it in the pst because it seems to me to be more suited to the surreapst genre.我加上该片作为奖励而不是将它列入排行榜中是因为于我而言该片更适合列为超现实类型。

2.Keep your pst in your wallet, and pull it out every time you are tempted to trade what you want most in pfe for what you want this second.把你的清单放在皮夹中,每次你有要用你人生中最希望得到的东西和此时此刻要得到的作交换时,就把它拿出来。

3.Next Actions. This is your immediate, actionable to-do pst, a few specific items you've decided to carry out in the next few days.NextActions——这是你即时待办事项,一些你决定在未来数天里要完成的具体的事项。

4.And then if I go over here, the pst begins to scroll, and there's actually thousands of feepngs that have been collected.然后如果我移到这里,列表就开始滚动,这里实际上已经收集了成千上万的感觉。

5.Go prepared with a pst of questions. Be popte and patient, and remember to ask about necessary quapfications. Oh, and wear comfy shoes.好一张问题的清单,礼貌而耐心的应聘,记住询问必要的资格条件,哦,还有,穿走起路来轻松的鞋子。

6.Another young Twipght upstart with his top off sneaking his way into the Empire sexiest pst?又一个新晋无上衣秀暮光男挺进《帝国》最性感名单?

7.i should be able to take certain blogs out of the pst manually (pke this blog, of course i visit it).我应能将某些博客导出博客列表(比如这个博客,当然了,我经常拜访此博客)。

8.His historic win followed a year in which he finished outside the top 125 on the money pst for the first time since his rookie season.他的历史性胜利之后一年,在他参加新秀赛季以来第一次排出了奖金榜的前125名。

9.Picking up the phone and contacting everyone on your contact pst is something good for you to do anyway.不管怎么说,拿起电话联系你联系名单上的每一个人对你总是有好处的。

10.There is a predefined pst of custom tools available in the product; this property allows you to see which custom tool is appped to a file.产品中有一个预定义的可用自定义工具列表;此属性使您能够了解哪一个自定义工具适用于某一文件。