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1.李斯特 ... 6.爱之梦 (李斯特) Liebestraum:Liszt 08.《培雨·金特》之晨景(格里格) Peer Gynt:Grieg ...

3.李斯特钢琴作品精选集 肖邦( Yundi Li:Chopin) 李斯特钢琴作品精选集( Yundi Li:Liszt) 安可精选( Encores) ...

4.李斯特说 ... 李云迪:安可集( YUNDI LI:Encores) 李云迪:李斯特精选集( Yundi Li : Liszt) 李云迪:肖邦精选( Yundi Li:Chopin) ...

6.李斯特作品 ... CD 27:Haydn 海顿作品 CD 28-30:Liszt 李斯特作品 CD 33-36:Mozart 莫扎特作品 ...

7.匈牙利的李斯特 5.德国的门德尔松( Mendelssohn, 1809-1847) 6.匈牙利的李斯特Liszt, 8111-1887) 7.德国的华格纳( Wagner, 1813-1…


1.Laughing, he took a piece of paper from his coat pocket, formed it into a stethoscope, and placed it uncertainly on Liszt's bared chest.他笑着,从他的外套里取出一片纸,把它折成一个听诊器,将他哆哆嗦嗦地放在李斯特裸露的胸膛上。

2.It was said that she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist .据说她是匈牙利伟大的钢琴家弗朗兹。李斯特的学生。

3.The frightened girl fled across the courtyard, through the cellar door, and down the steps with Liszt in pursuit.这个被吓坏了的姑娘跑过庭院,穿过地窖门,李斯特在后面紧追不舍。

4.Still half-dressed, Liszt leaped from his chair and chased after the professor in an effort to bring him back to the party.李斯特当时衣衫凌乱,他从他椅子上跳起来去追教授,想把他弄回来。

5.and the famous Hungarian musician Franz Liszt on Beethoven for the creation of such a description: Juvenile-real man-God.而匈牙利著名音乐家李斯特就对贝多芬的创作进行了这样的描述:少年——大丈夫——神。

6.He was "prepared to give everything but never gave himself, " noted his friend and admirer, Franz Liszt.他的挚友与崇拜者弗朗兹·李斯特说,肖邦“愿意付出一切,却不顾及自己。”

7.Liszt studied and played at Vienna and Paris and for most of his early adulthood toured throughout Europe giving concerts.李斯特在维也纳和巴黎学习,并在年轻时候在欧洲巡演。

8.What, then, shall we expect from YUNDI's Beethoven, as he's known mainly for his Chopin and Liszt?以演绎肖邦、李斯特见长的“钢琴王子”李云迪将会带来怎样的惊喜呢?让我们拭目以待。

9.One big or two small pieces by Shubert, Schumann, Liszt, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Brahms (optional).舒伯特,舒曼,李斯特,肖邦,门德尔松或者勃拉姆斯(可选)的一首大作品或者两首小作品。

10.She began with Liszt, went back to cover Bach and all of the Mozart sonatas and continued with a complete Beethoven sonata set.最开始是利兹,后来录完了所有的巴赫和莫扎特奏鸣曲。接下来是贝多芬的所有奏鸣曲。