




1.柳金美,申雪赵宏博在双人花样滑冰中、北京奥运冠军杨威和柳金Liukin)在体操比赛中追求动作的完美、法官和陪审员寻求司 …

2.团三周括FX的团1080旋(Ri Jong Song),团三周Liukin),单杠的直体旋越杠再握(Casina)和团540旋越杠再握(Shaham)。


1.She lost all-around gold when teammate Nastia Liukin, whom she had routinely defeated the last couple of years, performed almost flawlessly.而她失去个人全能金牌,是因为一直不如她的队友柳金发挥超常,动作天衣无缝。

2.Liukin and Johnson have been friendly rivals the last two years, with Johnson winning almost everything.在过去的两年中,柳金和强森一直是有好的对手,强森几乎赢取了全部比赛。

3.Liukin paced back and forth as Johnson competed on floor, the final competitor of the day, clapping as her teammate floated high in the air.当约翰逊作为最后一位出场选手在场上比赛时,柳金走来走去,为队友的空中翻越鼓掌。

4.Congrats to Liukin for such a wonderful performance yesterday, she deserved it.祝贺柳金昨晚出色的表现,这是她应得的。

5.Gossip Girl! You know what? Valery Liukin made a cameo appearance on the show!《绯闻女孩》!知道吗,柳金也在里面客串演出呢!

6.Liukin said she made a small error on a release move, then had trouble with a pirouette.刘金说他只是在旋转时脚尖出了一点问题而已。

7."As soon as I leave this arena, I'm going to forget this, " Liukin said of the tie breaker turned heartbreaker.离开这块场地后,我要尽快忘记今天的悲伤,她说(我呸我呸)

8.This will be the episode where Olympic gold medapst Nastia Liukin will be making a cameo appearance.在本集中奥运体操冠军柳金将闪亮登场,客串演出。

9.Nastia Liukin won the gold medal in women's gymnastics Friday, beating teammate and friend Shawn Johnson.周五,娜斯蒂亚-柳金赢得女子体操金牌,击败了既是队友也是朋友的肖恩-强森。

10.Her father and coach, Valeri Liukin, feels Johnson's pain.她的父亲兼教练维列里·柳金也感觉到了肖恩心里的痛。