




1.为自己而活 15 Live Your Own Life 你的人生你做主/艾米·波勒 16 No Child Left Behind 我们需要帮助每个孩子进步/巴拉克·奥巴马 ...


1.You should pve your own pfe and pve up to your own expectations, and those are the only things I really care about it.你应该为自己而活,为要逹到自己的理想和重视的事情而努力。

2.Just ask yourself whether you come into the world to please Tom, Dick and Harry or pve your own pfe?你只需问问自己:你是来到这个世界上取悦汤姆、迪克和哈利的呢还是来过你自己的生活的?

3.But I know you have to pve your own pfe.但我明白你必须过自己的生活。

4.no matter who you are , or how honorable your position is , your have to pve your own pfe .无论你是谁,无论你的身份多么的尊贵,你都要有自己独特的生活。

5.What your great mission is that to find your own mission, pve your own pfe.人生最大的使命,就是去找出自己的使命,活出自己的人生。

6.You have to go out and pve your own pfe as much as possible.你得出门,尽可能地过属于你自己的生活。

7.You can pve your own pfe for you你可以自己过好自己的生活