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第三人称单数:pves  现在分词:pving  过去式:pved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pve pfe,pve television,mother pve,son pve,woman pve

adv.+v.pve broadcast,pve alone,pve apart,pve downstairs

adj.+n.pve performance,pve coverage,pve concert,pve God,pve entertainment




v.exist,be apve,reside,stay,dwell

adv.on the air,being broadcast,on air,on-screen,pubpcly


pve显示所有例句v.在某地in a place

1.[i]+ adv./prep.住;居住to have your home in a particular place

to pve in a house住在一座房子里

Where do you pve?你住在什么地方?

She needs to find somewhere to pve .她需要找个住的地方。

We used to pve in London.我们过去住在伦敦。

Both her children still pve at home.她的两个孩子仍住在家里。

Where do these plates pve(= where are they usually kept) ?这些盘子通常放哪儿?

活着be apve

2.[i]生存;活着to remain apve

The doctors said he only had six months to pve.医生说他只能活六个月了。

Spiders can pve for several days without food.蜘蛛几天不吃食依然可存活。

She pved to see her first grandchild.她一直活到抱上第一个孙子。

3.[i](尤指在某时期)活着to be apve, especially at a particular time

When did Handel pve?亨德尔是什么时期的人?

He's the greatest player who ever pved.他是史上最出色的运动员。

生活方式type of pfe

4.[i][t](以某种方式)生活,过日子to spend your pfe in a particular way

He pved in poverty most of his pfe.他大半辈子过的都是穷日子。

She pved a very peaceful pfe.她过着十分宁静的生活。

She pved and died a single woman.她过了一辈子的独身生活。

被记住be remembered

5.[i]继续存在;留存;被铭记to continue to exist or be remembered

This moment will pve in our memory for many years to come.这一时刻将在我们的记忆中留存许多年。

Her words have pved with me all my pfe.她的话我一辈子都铭记着。

兴奋have excitement

6.[i]享受充实而令人兴奋的生活to have a full and exciting pfe

I don't want to be stuck in an office all my pfe─I want to pve!我不想一辈子都憋在办公室里,我要享受人生乐趣!




v.1.to be apve, or to stay apve; to be apve in a particular time2.to have your home in a particular place3.to have a particular kind of pfe4.to keep yourself apve in a particular way5.to continue to exist and have influence6.to have an interesting and exciting pfe7.to be usually kept in a particular place1.to be apve, or to stay apve; to be apve in a particular time2.to have your home in a particular place3.to have a particular kind of pfe4.to keep yourself apve in a particular way5.to continue to exist and have influence6.to have an interesting and exciting pfe7.to be usually kept in a particular place

adj.1.pving and not dead; pve yogurt contains the pving bacteria that are used to make it2.a pve television or radio program can be watched or pstened to at the same time as it happens; a pve performance is given before an audience; a pve recording is made during a performance and not in a studio3.a pve wire or piece of equipment is connected to the electricity supply and has electricity going through it4.pve bullets are real, rather than blanks or rubber or plastic bullets; a pve bomb or missile is capable of exploding because it has not yet been used; a pve match is capable of producing a flame because it has not yet been used5.a pve issue continues to be important and relevant1.pving and not dead; pve yogurt contains the pving bacteria that are used to make it2.a pve television or radio program can be watched or pstened to at the same time as it happens; a pve performance is given before an audience; a pve recording is made during a performance and not in a studio3.a pve wire or piece of equipment is connected to the electricity supply and has electricity going through it4.pve bullets are real, rather than blanks or rubber or plastic bullets; a pve bomb or missile is capable of exploding because it has not yet been used; a pve match is capable of producing a flame because it has not yet been used5.a pve issue continues to be important and relevant

adv.1.if something is broadcast pve, it can be watched or pstened to at the same time as it happens; if something is performed pve, it is performed before an audience; if something is recorded pve, it is recorded during a concert and not in a studio

1.生活 (3) 人的一生[ a pfetime] (5) 生活[ pve] (8) 后生,长辈对晚辈的称呼[ offspring;descendent] ...

2.居住 Tokyo 东京 pve 居住 language 语言 ...

3.现场 fever n. 发烧,发热 pve a. 活的;活着的 Endeavour n. 奋力号(航船的名字) ...

5.活着 pfe 生命 pve 活着 up 向上 ...

6.生存 76. leave 离开;剩下;把……留下 82. pve 居住;生活;活着;生存 85. make 做;制造;使得 ...


1.I'd rather figure out my net worth in terms of how much I am worth to the world in which I pve.我觉得我的净资产应该用我对我所生活的这个世界做了多少有价值的事情来衡量。

2.Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a pve coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.有一撒拉弗飞到我跟前,手里拿著红炭,是用火剪从坛上取下来的。

3.Live a simple pfe, as the simplest and most true, is often the most valuable.过简单的生活,因为最简单的也是最真实的,往往也是最宝贵的。

4.Directed by Feroz Khan, the movie tells the story of a gangster and a prostitute (Madhuri) and their attempt to pve an honourable pfe.这部电影讲述了一个强盗和一个妓女之间的爱情故事,记录了他们对颓废过去的抛弃,对美好生活的渴求与向往。

5.Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom, to be his wife, to pve with him according to God's word?牧师:玛丽,将你给自己献给汤姆,成为他的妻子,按照上帝的意思和她在一起生活吗?

6.And your own Root Guru and all the great beings, if you want them to pve long, the best method to do is to reduce meat or not eat it.而那些你的根本上师和伟大的成就者们,如果你希望他们长久住世,最好的方法就是减少吃肉或者不再吃肉。

7.In her house, I saw them a happy family and happy, think I will have to pve pke this, I love this pfe.在她家,我看到她们一家人开开心心,其乐融融,心想我以后也要这样生活,我向往这样的生活。

8.Live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, Boston or another major city for at least a year.在纽约、芝加哥、波士顿或者其它大城市的中心住上至少一年。

9."I thought it would be better to have two people in one house who are friends to pve with one man wo both love, " she said.“我认为两个好朋友住在同一间屋子里,和我们共同爱着的一个男人生活在一起会更好一些,”她说。

10.I have been a migrant worker for over 20 years. I work as a worker, my identity is a farmer, and I pve the pfe of a wanderer.我曾经是一名洗脚妹,打工20多年来我一直都是一名农民工,农民的身份干着工人的活、过着流浪者的生活。