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1.Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door.李沅芷究是将门之女,平时抡刀使枪惯了的,虽然惊慌,还是依言关上了门。

2.China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit.首次出访的中国新任第一夫人彭丽媛,俨然已经成为全球时尚偶像。

3.For initial introduction so drastic, Heidelberg equipment Liyuan has its own common language-entrepreneurs have to spend money on " " blade.对于在创业初期就如此大刀阔斧引进海德堡设备,郭建宏有自己的道理——创业者一定要把钱花在“刀刃”上。

4.Quanzhou Gaojia Opera, one of the five operas in Fujian, is actived in Quanzhou area, together ed with the Liyuan Opera.泉州高甲戏是福建省五大剧种之一,与梨园戏一起活跃于泉州的泉腔剧种。

5.Peng Liyuan this first deduction unusual exquisite, her singing sound exquisite, clearing, half moon crawls lets the human be affected.彭丽媛把这首演绎的非常的优美,她的歌声细腻、清馨,半个月亮爬上来让人非常感动。

6.Until a few months LiYuan, after they occupied the sui dynasty foothold changan.李渊势如破竹,几月之后便占领隋朝立足之地长安。

7.Golf International Garden is located west of Jiangning Development Zone, Liyuan Road, Tai Road south, too three-way north, the east by four.南京高尔夫国际花园地处江宁开发区利源中路以西,太二路以南,太三路以北,经四路以东。

8.The service concept Liyuan brought a large number of loyal customers and good development results.精益求精的服务理念使建宏收获了一大批忠实客户和良好的发展业绩。

9.Liyuan is a flag seemed to spur the imminent victory of our shore slope.荔园仿佛就是一面旗子,鼓励鞭策着快到胜利坡岸的我们。

10.The performing arts of Liyuan Opera, and Dacheng Opera must play in the formation and development of a high-impact movie.梨园戏、打城戏的表演艺术不能不对形成与发展中的高甲戏产生影响。