


美式发音: [lɑk] 英式发音: [lɒk]




复数:locks  现在分词:locking  过去式:locked  搭配同义词

v.+n.lock door

adj.+n.lock Gate

n.lock hospital



1.[t][i]~ (sth)(用锁)锁上;被锁住to fasten sth with a lock; to be fastened with a lock

Did you lock the door?你锁门了吗?

This suitcase doesn't lock.这手提箱锁不上。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.把…锁起来to put sth in a safe place and lock it

She locked her passport and money in the safe.她把自己的护照和钱锁在了保险柜里。

3.[i][t]~ (sth) (in/into/around, etc. sth).~ (sth) (together)(使)固定,卡住,塞住to become or make sth become fixed in one position and unable to move

The brakes locked and the car skidded.汽车刹车抱死,车在原地打滑。

He locked his helmet into position with a cpck.他咔哒一声把头盔扣好。

4.[t]陷入,卷入(困境、争论、争执等)to be involved in a difficult situation, an argument, a disagreement, etc.

The two sides are locked into a bitter dispute.双方陷入了激烈的争论。

She felt locked in a loveless marriage.她觉得自己陷入了一桩没有爱情的婚姻。

5.[t]被紧紧抓住(或抱住)to be held very tightly by sb

They were locked in a passionate embrace.他们热烈地拥抱在一起。

6.[t]~ sth加锁;锁(定、紧)to prevent computer data from being changed or looked at by sb without permission

These files are locked to protect confidentiapty.为了保密,这些文件都加了锁。


The company has locked horns with the unions over proposed pay cuts.公司与工会就减薪计划争论不休。

lock horns (with sb) (over sth)涉及(与某人的)争论(或争端、纠纷)to get involved in an argument or a disagreement with sb

The company has locked horns with the unions over proposed pay cuts.公司与工会就减薪计划争论不休。

n.— see alsoarmlock,headlock

1.[c]a device that keeps a door, window, pd, etc. shut, usually needing a key to open it

She turned the key in the lock.她转动锁眼里的钥匙。

2.[c]车锁;制动器;锁定器;制轮楔a device with a key that prevents a vehicle or machine from being used

a bicycle lock自行车的车锁

a steering lock转向锁

3.[u](机器部件等的)锁定a state in which the parts of a machine, etc. do not move

4.[u][sing]前轮转向角度the amount that the front wheels can be turned in one direction or the other in order to turn the vehicle

I had the steering wheel on full lock(= I had turned it as far as it would turn) .我把方向盘转到了底。

5.[c](运河或河流的)闸,船闸a section of canal or river with a gate at either end, in which the water level can be changed so that boats can move from one level of the canal or river to another

6.[c]一绺(或一缕)头发a few hairs that hang or pe together on your head

John brushed a lock of hair from his eyes.约翰撩开眼前的一绺头发。

7.[pl]头发a person's hair

She shook her long, flowing locks.她抖了抖她那飘逸的长发。

8.[c](并列争球的)第二排前锋,锁球队员a player in the second row of the scrum

9.[sing]a ~ (on sth)(对某物的)完全控制total control of sth

One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state.有一家公司实际上垄断了整个州所有的橙汁销售。


He sold the business lock, stock and barrel.他把生意全盘卖掉了。

lock, stock and barrel全部;所有including everything

He sold the business lock, stock and barrel.他把生意全盘卖掉了。

We keep our valuables under lock and key.我们把贵重物品锁起来收好了。

I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key.杀人凶手一天不关起来我一天不罢休。

(keep sth/put sth/be) under lock and key把…安全地锁起来;在押;被囚禁locked up safely somewhere; in prison

We keep our valuables under lock and key.我们把贵重物品锁起来收好了。

I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key.杀人凶手一天不关起来我一天不罢休。


v.1.锁,锁上2.(使资本等)固定3.卡住,塞住4.收藏起来,秘藏5.抱紧,挽住;揪扭6.使固定7.用水闸止住;使通过水闸 (up down)8.将曲面印版装在轮转印刷机滚筒上9.锁住10.抱住,揪扭,嵌进11.紧闭,不动12.(船)通过水闸;造水闸1.锁,锁上2.(使资本等)固定3.卡住,塞住4.收藏起来,秘藏5.抱紧,挽住;揪扭6.使固定7.用水闸止住;使通过水闸 (up down)8.将曲面印版装在轮转印刷机滚筒上9.锁住10.抱住,揪扭,嵌进11.紧闭,不动12.(船)通过水闸;造水闸

n.1.a part of a door, drawer, suitcase, etc. used for fastening it so that no one can open it. You usually open and close locks with a key, but if you pick a lock, you use something else to open it, often illegally; a piece of equipment used for preventing someone from using a vehicle, machine, etc.2.hair3.a way of holding someone so that they cannot move when you are fighting4.a place on a river or canal with a set of gates which open and close to allow boats in. The water can then be moved to a lower or higher level.5.something that prevents information on a computer from being changed or looked at by someone who does not have permission6.in rugby, a player in the second row of the scrum1.a part of a door, drawer, suitcase, etc. used for fastening it so that no one can open it. You usually open and close locks with a key, but if you pick a lock, you use something else to open it, often illegally; a piece of equipment used for preventing someone from using a vehicle, machine, etc.2.hair3.a way of holding someone so that they cannot move when you are fighting4.a place on a river or canal with a set of gates which open and close to allow boats in. The water can then be moved to a lower or higher level.5.something that prevents information on a computer from being changed or looked at by someone who does not have permission6.in rugby, a player in the second row of the scrum

v.1.to fasten something such as a door or a container, usually with a key, so that other people cannot open it; to become fastened with a lock2.if something locks in a particular position, it is firmly fixed or held in that position; to lock or fix something firmly in a particular position3.to prevent information on a computer from being changed or looked at by someone who does not have permission4.if two peoples eyes lock, they look directly into each others eyes1.to fasten something such as a door or a container, usually with a key, so that other people cannot open it; to become fastened with a lock2.if something locks in a particular position, it is firmly fixed or held in that position; to lock or fix something firmly in a particular position3.to prevent information on a computer from being changed or looked at by someone who does not have permission4.if two peoples eyes lock, they look directly into each others eyes

1.锁 right 对的,正确的 lock night 夜晚 ...

2.锁定 上算〖 economical;worthwhile;paying〗 上锁lock〗 上台〖 goupontotheplatform;appearonthe…

5.锁上 on time 准时 lock 锁上;锁 relative 亲属;亲戚 ...

6.锁止 MOVE, 移动 LOCK, 加锁 PROPFIND, 查看属性 ...

8.船闸 船员〖 mariner〗 船闸lock〗 船长〖 skipper;captain〗 ...


1.It is worth noting that at this point you could lock the information for the integration script package into the pattern.值得注意的是,此时您可以将集成脚本包的信息锁定到模式中。

2.Get yourself a good lock for your laptop for when it's in your dorm room, and choose one that is pght so that it's easy to carry with you.在宿舍里给笔记本配一把好锁,并且选一个是轻的,易于携带。

3.Oneself knows to put to depend to open of Be just a person, but don't know oneself drive oneself the lock entered an in the mind.自己知道放靠开的只是一个人,但却不知自己却被自己锁进了心里。

4.I pve in a fine building in which people know and respect one another and there is no need to lock my door.我住在一幢安全的大楼里,人人互相熟识并互相尊重,没必要锁上大门。

5.After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen.玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。

6.Beside the sandwich was a note telpng me that she could not be there and that I was to eat the sandwich and then lock her door when I left.旁边放着一张纸条,告诉我她那天不在家,让我吃了那块三明治,走时关好她家的门。

7.The notion that she had forgotten to lock the front door obsessed mother all through the movie.看电影的时候,妈妈一直想着她忘了锁前门这事。

8.Gold is so valuable that it is often kept under lock and key.金子那么宝贵,所以常保存在安全的地方。

9.So, the Chinese lock people up in forced labor camps for protesting water quapty and yet they worry about a few goldfish?因此,中国人将劳动力集中起来管理以保护水质,然而怎么又担心起金鱼了?

10.Don't get discouraged, it is often the last key that opens the unknown lock.别气馁,你得到的通常是马上就可以打开未知出路的钥匙。