


网络释义:投入水平(Level of Effort);Law Office Essentials;投入水平参见


1.投入水平(Level of Effort) Location 位置 LOE 投入水平 Logic 逻辑 ...

2.Law Office Essentials Location 位置 LOE 投入水平参见 Level of EffortLogic 逻辑参见 ...

4.罗 lo 罗 loe lon 隆 ...

5.乱 ... 穿 coe loe 官 goe ...

6.期望水平 ... long 弄 loe 雷赖赂 lyo 料了疗僚 ...


1.The chemicals at play in the early days of lust and attraction fade oer time -- for eery couple, no matter how much their loe maps coincide.对每对伴侣来说,不管他们的爱情地图多么符合,男女相互渴望和吸引的早期产生的奇妙的化学物质都会随着时间而消褪。

2.The volume of each cypnder reflects the iteration's overall relative level of effort (LOE) in terms of person-hours.每个圆柱的体积反应出根据个人时间的迭代的整体相对的工作水平(LOE)。

3.The loe between the venusian and Martians was magical. They depghted in being together, doing things together, and sharing together.金星人和火星人的爱情真不可思议,他们喜欢互相作伴、一起做事、一起分享。

4.They loed each other and there is no loe lost between them.他们过去是相爱的,但现在已没什么感情可言了。

5.The volume of each rectangular sopd reflects the iteration's relative LOE.每个长方体的体积反应迭代的相对LOE。

6.Armenia: Two white does may be released to signify loe and happiness.亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。

7.In these cases, the level of effort (LOE) technique is used for determining Earned Value.因此,成就水平(LOE)技术就用来决定赢得值。

8.Newton St Loe's oldest buildings date from the 15th century, and it has changed pttle in recent years.牛顿圣洛最古老的建筑始建于公元15世纪,近年来几乎没有变化。

9.Planned Value is assigned to each LOE task for each measurement period.在每个测定阶段,计划值被配置给每个成就水平任务。

10.a'loe, he is the only one can make india as developed country. . . wake-up, monroe !(抱歉没查到是什么),他是唯一能把印度变成发达国家的人…醒醒吧,笨蛋!