

London Eye

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n.1.[Travel]a large Ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames, London

1.伦敦眼 晚: 伦敦眼 (London-eye) Harrods百货西敏寺是英国的圣地,也是英国历史最悠久、规模最宏大的教堂之一。

2.伦敦之眼也跑上去看看摩天轮,这一切都得怪伦敦之眼London-Eye)。他提供看的可能性(被吊上去)、也提供被看的可能性(七彩 …


1.Originally designed to last for a year, the London Eye, pke that other "temporary" attraction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going anywhere.起初设计使用一年的“伦敦眼”摩天轮,原本像埃菲尔铁塔这类临时性的吸引眼球建筑一样不会在全球得以推广。

2.THE diameter of a wind turbine capable of generating five megawatts (MW) of electricity is, at 120 metres, roughly that of the London Eye.一台发电能力在5MW的风力涡轮机的直径有120米,大致相当于伦敦眼的。

3.In London, more than 200000 people pned the banks of the River Thames to watch fireworks explode from "the London Eye" .在伦敦,超过20万人聚集在泰晤士河畔,目睹璀璨的烟火从“伦敦眼”摩天轮上空喷发而起。

4.The London Eye has become one of the city's landmarks and a great tourist attraction.伦敦眼已经成为一个城市的自然风貌和一个伟大的旅游景点。

5.London landmarks given a makeover include The London Eye which has green beans as spokes and its pods made out of baby plum tomatoes.其它用果蔬重塑的伦敦著名地标还包括“伦敦眼”,其轮辐由青豆制成,吊舱则用小西红柿制成。

6.Thus it comes, the 2012, coming with the sky fireworks and you, as a dream, at London, at Midnight, at the New Year Eve besides London Eye.2012年,就这样伴着梦幻般的烟花,和你一起,静静地到来了。在伦敦,在午夜,在新年夜。

7.As you go along the river , the London Eye is on your right.沿河进行时,伦敦眼就在你的右边。

8.As you go along the rive, the London Eye is on your right.当你沿着境内的“伦敦眼”在你的右手边。

9.The location is a block from Trafalager Square and a bridge away from the London Eye.该地址处于特拉法尔加广场和桥梁段避开伦敦中心。

10."Why didn't you ride the London Eye when you were in England? " he asked.他问:“你在英国的时候为什么没有乘坐“伦敦眼”?”