




1.长棍 太极剑 Tai Chi Sword 长棍 Long Stick 大刀 Broad Sword ...

2.长棍子 长绒陆地棉(美国产) Long staple upland 长码尺 long stick 长舌形铁指 long tongue ...

4.棍棒 月刀 Crescent sword 棍棒 Long stick 挟刀 Spear sword ...


1.To talk just a pttle is better than to chatter non-stop all day long. Stick to the facts and speak briefly; don.讲话不可太多,言多必失。要讲得恰当,要实事求是,不可花言巧语。

2.He had a long stick, and was muttering to himself, and he did not look up as we passed.他扶着一根长长的拐杖,正在自言自语,我们走过的时候也没有抬头看一眼。

3.So, I took a long stick, ready to engage with a stick down the cicada.于是,我拿了一根长长的棍子,准备用棍子把蝉搞下来。

4.So the guards left him alone and he stuck up his long stick near the well, hung his cloak round the stick and put his hat on the top.牧羊人在井旁插好自己的长棍,把斗蓬罩在棍子外面,又把帽子戴在上面。

5.San Edison went o(to) the house and then came out(come out) again with(with) a very long stick.圣爱迪生走进了屋子然后又出来了,手里拿着一个很长的棍子。

6.He gave the dog a vicious blow with his long stick.他用长手杖恶意地打了那只狗一下。

7.Therefore, the rural-based music education and research, to a long stick to it.因此对农村基础音乐教育的思考与研究,要长期坚持下去。

8.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.竹管被捆在一根长长的棍子上,可以让火箭保持平直方向行进。

9.With great care, Sukanda filled his two pots with water. He hung one on each end of a long stick.他小心翼翼地将两只罐子盛满水并将它们系在挑棍的两端。

10.Well, then may I suggest you get a very long stick and play panty pinata.那我建议你去准备一根长棍子然后开始玩儿“挑裤衩”吧。