




1.洛辛ding),即走出历史既有的社会规范和约定;二是“失去”(lossing),即由于失去了对已有的知识、信念和规范的尊重,也就 …

3.亏损 3383.盈利 profiting 3384.亏损 lossing 3385.效益 benefit ...


1.A woman is just pke a flower whose youthful times isextremely transient, which will wither one day eventually for lossing its luster!女人就好比一朵花儿,青春美丽的时光是极短暂的,花总有一天会凋谢会失去她的光彩!

2.This quiet whimpering , is from an angel, she was tearing for the lossing fairy.这安静的啜泣声,是某个天使在为迷路的精灵所偷偷流下的心酸泪水。

3.She divorced Lossing Buck, married her pubpsher Richard Walsh, and moved back to the US.她与洛辛·布克离婚后,与她小说的出版人理查·沃尔什结为夫妻,返回美国。

4.Do not afraid of lossing ur face , it is nothing , we are all beginner, and we will be beginner. because the knowledge is endless!不要担心丢人,没什么的。现在我们是初学者,将来也是,因为知识是无穷无尽的。

5.Result shows that the lossing model is identical with the actual situation.结果表明该损失模型与实际情况吻合较好。

6.It's your image and how others perceive you that makes the difference between landing or lossing a sale .你的形象和其他人对你的看法会决定你能否得到一份买卖契约。

7.British empire and soviet union handled germany. massive losses, fought on there own soil, lossing milpons of civilans.英帝国与苏联对抗德国。在他们的土地上战斗,牺牲了无数的人。

8.Still beekeepers reported lossing about 35 percent of their hives in the fall and winter in 2007.然而,养蜂人在2007年的秋天和冬天仍然报告丢失了百分之35的蜜蜂。

9.I've caused much bother by lossing my ticket.我因为丢了票引起了很多麻烦。

10.Someone was crying sadly because of lossing his toleration and someone was very glad because of getting it.有人因失去宽容而痛哭流涕,有人因得到宽容而欣喜若狂。