




1.迷失在森林中 ... 03. The Water Garden( 水恋花园) 04. Lost In The Woods迷失在森林中) 05. Another Shore( 另一个海岸…

2.失去森林 ... The Zipper 拉链 Lost In The Woods 失去森林 Vanishing Point 尽头 ...

3.迷失在森林里 ... Bagehot 白芝浩专栏 Lost in the woods 迷失在森林里 ...

4.森林里的小鹿) …

5.迷失在森林找碴 ... What’s mine is yours 我的就是你的 Lost in the woods 迷失于森林之中 No trouble brewing 酿酒愁云渐散 ...

7.林间迷途 ... Deranged Outcast 狂乱遭逐人 Lost In the Woods 林间迷途 Vorapede 吞噬百 …


1.The rescuers knew only that they were looking for a young boy lost in the woods, and I could remain mute.搜救人员只知道他们要寻找一个在树林里走丢了的孩子,因此我可以保持沉默。

2.But Bella Bunny gets lost in the woods, trying to follow drifting clouds.但是小兔子贝拉却在森林里迷路了,她只好跟随飘动的云彩走。

3.You never let us do anything! Rain is lost in the woods and you won't even let us go look for her!你从来都不让我们做事情!小雨被落在了森林里而你却不让我们去找她!

4.Lumiere: Master, allow me to explain. The gentleman was lost in the woods and he was cold and wet. . .吕米埃:主人,请允许我来解释。这位绅士在树林里迷了路,他浑身湿透了,感到很冷…

5.The man lost in the woods is not able to determine the directions.在林子里迷路的那个人无法判明方向。

6.It is a surprising and memorable, as well as valuable experience, to be lost in the woods any time.任何时候在森林里迷路,真是惊险而值得回忆的,是宝贵的经历。

7.If you are lost in the woods at night, watch out for the dangerous animals.如果你晚上在丛林中迷了路,要提防危险的动物。

8.Often told myself not to hang in a tree, the result . . . . . . lost in the woods.常常告诫自己不要在一棵树上吊死,结果……在树林里迷路了。

9.But one scary night, Starpght gets lost in the woods, and Haley makes a special wish--to find her beloved foal.但是,在一个可怕的夜晚里,白额马在森林里走丢了,哈里特别希望能找回她亲爱的白额马。

10.Forced to take another route to avoid Gaines' men, Teri and Kim get lost in the woods.原来,泰瑞和金姆为了避开盖恩斯的手下,被迫走了另一条路线,她们在树林中迷路了。