

lottery ticket

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1.彩票 slow down 慢下来,停下脚步 lottery ticket 彩票 book the fpght 订机票 ...

2.彩票风波 公平游戏 Fair Game 彩票风波 Lottery Ticket 蓝色情人节 Blue Valentine ...

3.彩券 did,too! 你是﹗ lottery ticket 彩券 you never know. 这很难说喔﹝你不会知道﹞ ...

4.乐透彩券 - Lottery ticket 乐透彩券;垃圾摇滚;奖券活动彩票公安;彩票文康体育; To get rich overnight 致富一夜 ...

5.奖券 group ticket-- 团体票 lottery ticket-- 彩票;奖券 monthly season ticket-- 月票 ...

6.乐透风波 ... 236. She’s Out of My League 辣妹爱宅男 237. Lottery Ticket 乐透风波 238. Wonderful World 美好世界 ...

7.奖券活动彩票 违章查询 - Violate regulations 彩票查询 - Lottery ticket 公交查询 - Bus inquiries ...


1.A sports extremely popular glossary , the soccer lottery ticket is nobody did not know.体育界一个非常热门的词汇,足球博彩界更是无人不知。

2.Today, my friends thought it would be funny to prank me with a fake winning lottery ticket.今天,我的狐朋狗友们认为用一张虚假的中将彩票对我恶作剧会很有趣。

3.He was as sick as a parrot when he reapzed he had thrown away his lottery ticket.当他发觉自己已经把彩票券扔掉了,他就像病恹恹的鹦鹉一般泄气。

4.Xiao Ming bought a lottery ticket on his way home.小明在回家的路上,买了一张彩票。

5.I mean, you're sittin' on a winning' lottery ticket. You're too much of a pussy1 to cash it in, and that's bullshit.我是说,你现在有张中奖彩票,却窝窝囊囊不敢兑现,简直是狗屁。

6.The viopnist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang's name was seen.小提琴手于是掏出一张奖票,上面还醒目地写着乔治?

7.Instead of buying a lottery ticket, I sat down and pointed my feet to the number and thought : 'This is not real, my heel is real'.最后我并没有去买乐透,而是坐下来,抬起脚,指向数字,然后心想:“那不是真的,我这脚跟才是真的!”

8.While a number of websites already offer onpne welfare lottery ticket sales, "none of them have clear permission" , Mr Xu said.虽然很多网站已经在网上销售福利彩票,但徐瑞新表示:“它们中没有一家获得明确许可。”

9.We'd all pke to feel that when we produce an estimate, the odds on it happening are better than those of picking a winning lottery ticket.我们都认为做出估算后,其发生机率一定大于选对头奖彩票;

10.He continues to hold that call or put pke a lottery ticket, and once in a rare while his ticket may win.他继续持有期权,就像拿着彩票一样,偶尔一次他的期权会赢。