


美式发音: [ˈlaʊndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈlaʊndʒə(r)]



复数:loungers  同义词

n.recpning seat,recpner,tanning bed,sunbed,deck chair



1.日光浴椅;日光浴床a long comfortable chair that supports your legs, used for sitting or lying on, especially outdoors


n.1.a chaise longue that you can use outside in warm weather

1.漫步的人 bedside n. 床旁 lounger n. 漫步的人, 懒人 pheromones n. 〈生化〉信息素 ...

2.懒人 bedside n. 床旁 lounger n. 漫步的人, 懒人 pheromones n. 〈生化〉信息素 ...

3.游手好闲之人 louisianian 路易斯安那州(人)的 lounger 游手好闲之人 lour 皱眉,变阴沉 ...

4.躺椅 lounge 休息室, 长沙发 lounger 游手好闲之人, 躺椅 attendant 服务员;侍者 ...

5.花园内的安乐椅 ... 1. refuge: 避难所,庇护所 2. lounger: 花园内的安乐椅 4. susceptible: 不受影响 …

6.漫步者 lounge 闲逛 lounger 漫步者 loup 丝质面罩 ...


1.south-east London, was on a sun lounger when the boat mounted the beach in August 2002, his mother Andrea said.两岁的保罗。加拉格尔来自伦敦东南部的奥尔平顿,当飞艇冲向海滩的时候,他正好在躺椅上睡觉。他母亲说道。

2.he said, addressing a lounger in one of the comfortable lobby chairs.他对一个闲坐在门厅里舒适的椅子上的人说。

3.He had been there often, during a whole year, and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there.整整一年了,他常去他们家,却永远是那样一个沮丧的忧伤的闲人。

4.The technical concept of the 4 Senses Lounger also comprises music played by synthesizers , sounds of nature and special instruments.四重感官安乐椅的技术概念还包括了由合成器演奏出的音乐,有大自然的声音,也有由特种乐器奏出的乐音。

5.They knew only too well that any passer-by, any lounger, might be a spy.她们非常清楚任何一个过路人或游手好闲者都可能告密。

6.To relax, Xizor would sit in his conform-lounger, or trim the branches of his 600-year old miniature firethorn tree.为了放松,西佐经常坐在自己的按摩椅上,或者为他那株600年的火棘树修剪枝条。

7."Why, hello, Harry! " he said, addressing a lounger in one of the comfortable lobby chairs. "How are you? "“喂,你好,哈里!”他对一个闲坐在门厅里舒适的椅子上的人说。“你怎么样啊?”

8.we've got plenty of inflatables, but if you want to sit on a chair, you'll have to bring your own sun lounger.我们带来很多充气玩具,如果你想坐椅子的话,你就给自己带一把沙滩椅。

9.But the resulting water droplets, propped up by your body hair, poolside, could turn you from lounger to lobster.但是那些附着在你毫毛上面的水珠,会让你在水池边变成烤龙虾。

10.Paul slept on a sun lounger while hero ther son Andrew, aged one at the time, was asleep on the beach.保罗在躺椅上睡觉,而那时她另一个只有一岁的儿子安德鲁正在海滩上睡觉。