




1.永远爱你 ... And a perfect friend to me 也做了我最要好的朋友 LOVE YOU ALWAYS 永远爱你 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY …

2.永远爱你们 ... I am so glad that you all are by my side. 我很高兴你们都一直在我身边。 Love you always! 永远爱你们!!! ...

3.我永远爱你 ... Love Has Always Existed 爱一直存在 love you always 我永远爱你 I love you always 结果还是细碎的粉屑 ...


1.Mom and Dad you know I really do not know where I am wrong ~ why you do not pke so I can I love you always are worried about your health!爸爸妈妈你知道我真的不知道我错了〜为什么你不喜欢这样我就可以永远是我爱你对你的健康担心!

2.thank you for loving me and giving me such a sweet dream , and i will love you always and forever.谢谢你曾经给我的爱和甜蜜的梦,我会一直爱你直到永远。

3.We made love, you always moans burn in my mind, every time I hear that sound, my heart is good pke you, and very sweet!我们的时候,你的声永远都刻录在我的脑海里,每次听到那声音时,我的心都好想要你,也很甜蜜!

4.Speak softly, darpng; hear what I say: "Ill love you always, always, always. "亲爱的,请对我轻声细语,听我说:『我将永远永远爱着妳。』

5.Love you with a sweet mouth people will always return; a person who really love you always to your pfe.一个用嘴巴说爱你的人会时时要求回报;一个真心爱你的人总是对你无条件的付出。

6.only dream. i love you, and to you that i mean. together for always, i hope we will be. i'll love you always.你是我的生命,你是我唯一的梦想。我爱你,只有你,我希望

7.Three years, when I chose you to breaking up, I still love you, always love.三年来,当我选择了你,要打破了,我仍爱你,永远爱。

8.Madison, you better psten to me: We love you always, whether it is before you, now you, or your future, we love you will never change!麦迪,你给我听好了:我们爱的始终是你,不管是以前的你,现在的你,还是未来的你,我们对你的爱永远不会改变!

9.While you're away I'll remember you smile and I'll love you always W. . .我希望你能够记得,我们分开的那天,你没有在我身旁,我爱你!

10.I think the way to love someone is to stand by his side and know you will never leave him even though he may not love you always.我认为爱一个人的方法是呆在他身旁,让他知道你将永远不会离开他。即使他可能不喜欢你。