


美式发音: ['lʌvi] 英式发音: ['lʌvi]






1.(昵称)亲爱的,心肝,宝贝used as a friendly way of addressing sb

Ruth, lovey, are you there?鲁思,宝贝,你在吗?

n.1网站屏蔽ed as an affectionate form of address, especially to a woman2网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone who you know very well, especially a woman or child

1.爱撒娇的小可爱臭宝(Stinky)、很吵的大声公(Loudy)、爱撒娇的小可爱Lovey)以及傻里傻气的猎人(Nimrod;直接翻译成猎人怪怪 …

2.对爱人的昵称 worshipers n. 参加礼拜者, 崇拜者 lovey 对爱人的昵称 subletted v. 转租n.转租的房屋 ...

3.小笨Y ... LiuGhtImEs 蠡 loveY 小笨Y LoveBaby 祥 ...

4.丽敏 二璇丫头 互粉噢噢。 qq991280450 2-16 丽敏 lovey 荼蘼伤 windy 2-15 ...

5.真可爱 ... 1489212855 赵岩- star 1799254675 真可爱 LOVEY 1744589992 钟茂林- M…

6.东京 lovey - 东京 - crafthopc #cute # 得意 #可爱 # ...


1.If a coworker overhears you exchanging endearments pke "Honey Bear" and "Lovey Pumpkin, " you'll never hear the end of it.如果一个同事无意中听到你交换亲爱的表示,像“蜜熊”和“宝贝南瓜”,你将会以后都听的到。

2.But we weren't interested in just the lovey-dovey side of romance. We wanted to understand every aspect.但是我们并不是仅仅对恋爱多情的一面感兴趣,我们希望对恋爱有全方位的了解。

3.Why? why does the emperor want to kill his lovey children? Cry me a sad river !为神马!为神马皇帝要杀掉他心爱的儿女?!真是悲伤逆流成河!

4.Mike: Oh Carol, you sound pke a broken record. They're just being lovey dovey.迈克:哦,卡罗尔,这就像是一张坏唱片,他们俩是相亲相爱的。

5."March of the Penguins" Too Lovey-Dovey to Be True?“帝企鹅日记”真的是在演绎爱情么?

6.Every afternoon, the couple has what they call their 'lovey chat, ' just to check in.每天下午,这对夫妇都会讲上一番他们所谓的“情话”,只是为了相互问候。

7.Our Polar Bear friend is named Illa, an Inuit wordfor "friend" , inspired by our daughter Ainsley's lovey-bear.我们的北极熊朋友叫做Illa——因纽特语的意思是“朋友”,这个是受我女儿Ainsley的可爱熊启发。

8.tears without knowing it to reveal my lovey face. . .泪水在不知不觉中透露着我对你的爱;…

9.Is it lovey-dovey stuff, do you need a bit of rough? Get on your knees.它是可爱且温柔的东西,你能粗鲁吗?跪下忏悔吧。

10.If colleagues are your Facebook friends or read your Twitter feed, think twice about any lovey-dovey posts.如果同事们是你的Facebook好友,或会看到你的Twitter留言,那么在发出任何情意绵绵的帖子之前,都要三思而行。