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2.罗莱家纺 ... LNCaP 人前列腺癌 LoVo 人结肠癌细胞系 LTEP-P 小细胞肺癌 ...

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1.Objectives: To observe the effects and the mechanisms of exogenous fatty acids on colorectal cancer cells(LoVo).前言:目的:探讨八种外源性脂肪酸对人结肠癌细胞生长的影响及其作用机制。

2.Study of koumine-induced apoptosis of human colon adenocarcinoma LoVo cells in vitro钩吻素子体外诱导人结肠腺癌LoVo细胞凋亡的实验研究

3.Anti-tumor effect and its mechanism of arsenic trioxide combined with fluorouracil on human coloncarcinoma cell pne Lovo三氧化二砷联合氟尿嘧啶抗人结肠癌Lovo细胞作用及其机制的研究

4.Apoptosis of LoVo colon cancer cells induced by tamoxifen and its mechanism他莫昔芬诱导结肠癌细胞株LoVo凋亡及机制的研究

5.Enhancement of radiosensitivity by immunopposomal docetaxel in human colon adenocarcinoma LoVo cell多烯紫杉醇免疫脂质体对结肠癌细胞的靶向放射增敏作用

6.Difference in apoptotic induction of LoVo cells by different tea aqueous extracts茶叶水提取物诱导LoVo细胞凋亡的差异

7.Gene marking of human colon cancer LoVo cells with enhanced green fluorescent protein增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因标记结肠癌LoVo细胞的实验研究

8.The effects of hyperthermia on apoptosis in human colonic carcinoma cell pne Lovo加热诱导结肠癌细胞Lovo凋亡的研究

9.Specific inhibition of GFP expression by small hairpin RNA in colon cancer LoVo cell发夹结构RNA表达载体特异性抑制结肠癌LoVo细胞绿色荧光蛋白基因表达

10.The Antitumor Effect of Methylene Blue on Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Line Lovo亚甲蓝对结肠癌细胞系Lovo的杀伤和抑制作用