




1.低声 loud voice 大声 low voice 低声 low, 低的 ...

2.声音小 loud voice 声音洪亮 low voice 声音小 Your voice is loud enough。 你的声音够洪亮 ...

3.指的是低声地 ... sound n. 1. 声音,响声;【物】声 2. 喧闹声 low voice 指的是低声地 word 消息,音讯;传说 ...

4.精选集◆ The Wedding Collection 婚礼歌曲精选集 (Low Voice) Hal.leonard把好书介绍给好友!


1.And in a low voice she insisted that there was a murderer on the loose in Puente Viejo, and that any one of us could be the next victim.她放低了声音坚持说,在老桥镇里有个在逃犯,我们当中任何一个人都可能会成为下一个牺牲品。

2.'Hello, Lily, ' he said in a low voice, and a smile pghted up his thin face as he uttered her name for the first time.“你好,莉莉,”他低低地说。一抹笑容点亮了那瘦削的脸庞,这是他第一次念出她的名字。

3.'How do you do, Mr Birkin, ' she said, in her low voice, that seemed to take no count of her guests. She held out her hand to him.“你好啊,伯金先生,”她声音低沉地说,似乎她根本不把客人放在眼里。说着她向他伸出手来。

4.There was such a note of wild despair in his low voice that she dropped her hand from his arm and stepped back.他那低沉的声音中有那么一种痛感绝望的语调,使得她把搭在他臂上的那只手抽回来,同时倒退了两步。

5.The old woman took a look at the child and said in a low voice to her husband, "Look at the child. He's so ugly. "这个老妇女看了看这个小孩,用沙哑的声音对她的丈夫说:“看这孩子,他长得很丑。”

6.After a while, the woman went up to me and said in a low voice, " someone put his hand into your bag. "过了一会儿,那个女的来到我面前用很低的声音对我说,刚才有个人把手伸到了你的包里。

7.I ask him in a low voice, urging him to finish his sentence.我问他的声音很低,敦促他完成他的判决。

8."Near thee end of the film, the husband says in a low voice to his wife, " what do you think of the film?“电影放映得差不多的时候,丈夫轻声对他的太太说:”你觉得电影怎样?。

9."I have to see you, " he said in a low voice, without thinking, as if there were someone else in the empty common room.“我必须见你一面,”他不假思索地放低声音说,就好像空荡的教员公用室里还有别的人似的。

10."None of those other boats could have got ashore to give word of the wreck, " said the oiler, in a low voice.“其他的船没有一艘能够抵达海岸,把拖船遇难的消息通知他们,”加油工低声地说道。