


网络释义:月球勘测轨道飞行器(Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter);月球勘测轨道器;月球侦察轨道器


1.月球勘测轨道飞行器(Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) [详细]海底人是否真的存在 地球 …

7.宇航局月球勘测轨道器  美国宇航局月球勘测轨道器(LRO)自2009年以来一直在围绕月球运行的轨道上展开科学考察工作,在此过程中它传回了数以千 …


1.The LRO has also detected an abundance of hydrogen, thought to be a key indicator of ice, at the poles.此外,“月球侦察者轨道器”还在月球上发现了大量的氢,这是存在冰的关键表象。

2.This LRO data has important scientific value, as it provides context for the returned Apollo samples.这份LRO数据具有重要的科学价值,因为它为阿波罗带回来样品的找到了参照。

3.LRO has now collected the most detailed images yet of at least two lunar pits, giant holes in the moon.LRO现已收集了至少两个月球坑(月球上的巨大坑洞)的最详细图片资料。

4.Here, we take at 10 of LRO's most intriguing lunar discoveries so far.以下的月球十大最激动人心的发现,就是从至今为止LRO的发现中遴选出来的。

5.NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured some images of the far side (the southern hemisphere) of the moon.美国宇航局月球勘测轨道飞行器日前拍摄到了一组月球南半球(人类无法观测到的月球半球)照片。

6.LRO's latest science upload has also revealed the possible presence of water ice near the moon's shadowed regions.月球轨道探测器最新的发现表明液态冰可能会存在于月球的阴影部分。

7.LRO has a laser onboard that measures surface elevation.LRO有一个测量表面高度的车载激光器。

8.NASA has planned to launch the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in February 2009.2009年2月,美国航空航天局计划时隔11年后再次发射月球勘探轨道器(LRO)。

9.LRO will then enter an elpptical orbit (called the commissioning orbit) from which it will move into its final orbit.届时,LRO将进入一个椭圆形轨道(被称为试运行轨道),由此它将进入最终轨道。

10.LRO also has a laser that can shine pulses of pght into dark craters.LRO还有一个激光装置,时光脉冲照射至黑暗的陨石坑内。