


美式发音: ['lʌbək] 英式发音: ['lʌbək]




un.1.卢伯克(1.Sir John,1834—1913,Sir J.W.之子,英国财政学家及作家 ;2.Sir John Wilpam,1803—1865,英国天文学家及数学家)

un.1.city and county seat of Lubbock County in north central Texas, situated in the eastern part of the Llano Estacado region, south of Amarillo.

1.拉伯克 I.Berpn 柏林 J.Lubbock 卢伯克 C.Nepos 内波斯 ...

3.拉拔克斯宾塞同拉拔克(Lubbock)两人都讲重复的原则——即节奏——帮助造成了很“原始的”字。拉拔克并发现原始民族的文字中每一 …

4.波克勒波克Lubbock)是德州的保守小镇,勒波克市警官史都华(Jonathan Stewart)说,鲍芮特和她的公司未经允许就以性为卖 …

5.拉伯克市地理位置:拉伯克市(Lubbock),德克萨斯州 (Texas)建校时间:1923年学校类型:公立注册学生:31637人师生比例: 综合排 …

6.波克市1名美国德州女企业家在保守的勒波克市Lubbock)推出裸体女佣清洁服务,能让顾客眼睛吃冰淇淋,又许你一尘不染的家, …

7.博克但卢博克Lubbock)在其论《蚂蚁、蜜蜂和黄蜂》(莱比锡1885年,第220页)的著作中叙述的实验,我则认为用运动感觉的 …

8.波克郡勒波克郡Lubbock)法官海德(Tom Head)声称,如果欧巴马11月成功连任,会设法「把美国主权交给联合国」。海德说, …


1."I looked at it, and only Jordan would write something pke that, " Knight recalled in a phone interview from his Lubbock, Texas, office.“我看着它,只有乔丹会写像那样的东西,”奈特在德克萨斯州,他的办公室里接受电话采访的时候回忆,。

2.The national weather service said, cotton plant Center-Lubbock Texas next week will meet with a hot and sunny weather.国家气象局称,棉花种植中心-德州拉伯克未来一周将迎来炎热晴好天气。

3.In Lubbock today they're thinking back to the Eagle Scout who became a distinguished Naval officer and a fearless test pilot.今天在路伯克人们都还在回忆着威利如何从一个获得雄鹰奖章的童子军成长为一名杰出的海军军官和无畏的试飞员。

4.The unique home is perched on a bluff near Lubbock, Texas, and minimizes disruption to the area by resting on top of four skinny legs.独特的家坐落在一个靠近得克萨斯州拉伯克虚张声势,并最大限度地减少了对四个皮包骨头的腿顶休息破坏该地区。

5.How, say you're tempted by now, then we are going to reach first stop today, lubbock avalanche-journal mountain national forest park!怎么样,说的各位有点动心了吧,那么接下来我们就要到达今天的第一站,姑婆山国家森林公园!

6.Life is measured by thought and action , not by time . J. Lubbock British banker and statesman.衡量生命的尺度是思想和行动,而不是时间。英国银行家、政治家卢伯克。

7."To produce snow requires both heat and cold; the first to evaporate, the second to condense" (John Lubbock).“雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用”(约翰·卢布克)。

8.Coach Lubbock: Well, ok, Seaver. What did DeWitt catch you doing now?教练:好啊迈克,什么事被校长抓住了?

9.Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. ----J. Lubbock.衡量生命的尺度是思想和行为,而不是时间。----J。卢伯克。

10.It continued in production until 1981, when all rights were sold to WTA Inc. of Lubbock, Texas.它继续在生产,直到1981年,当所有的权利出售给wta公司拉伯克,得克萨斯州。