




1.路博润路公司(BNSF)、伊斯卡机械公司(Iscar)、路博润化学品公司(Lubrizol)、美联集团(Marmon Group)和中美能源公司(MidAmerica…



1.Mr. Sokol told him Lubrizol was undervalued and might be a good match for Berkshire, a person famipar with the matter says.一位知情人士说,索科尔对巴菲特讲,这家公司估值偏低,对于伯克希尔来说或许是绝配。

2.Speaking on CNBC on Thursday, Mr Sokol insisted he had not been party to any "inside information" when buying the Lubrizol shares.索科尔周四接受CNBC采访时坚称,自己购买路博润股票时,并没有掌握任何“内部消息”。

3.It later transpired that Mr Sokol had traded in and out of Lubrizol shares in the weeks before coming to his boss with the idea.后来传出在给其老板巴菲特提出购买路博润公司的建议的几周前,索科尔就曾买入和卖出路博润公司的股票。

4.Mr Sokol traded shares in Lubrizol, a speciapty chemicals maker, before he suggested that Berkshire buy the company.索科尔在建议伯克希尔公司购买特种化学品制造商路博润(Lubrizol)之前,便买卖了该公司的股票。

5.Mr. Sokol himself told The Wall Street Journal that his resignation had 'absolutely nothing' to do with the Lubrizol situation.索科尔本人则告诉《华尔街日报》,他的辞职绝对与Lubrizol的交易无关。

6.Mr. Buffett called Mr. Munger and told him of the pitch, and mentioned that Mr. Sokol held Lubrizol stock, the person says.此人说,巴菲特打电话给芒格,给他讲了此事,并提到索科尔持有路博润的股票。

7.Note that cloudy contaminants are a separate issue that should be reviewed with a Lubrizol representative.注意模糊不清的污染物是一个单独的问题,应由当路博润代表进行审查。

8.He is a vastly wealthy man who does not need the $3 milpon in profits he made on the Lubrizol deal.他是一个非常富有的人,并不需要在路博润股票上赚那300万美元。

9.Mr. Buffett said 'neither Dave nor I feel his Lubrizol purchases were in any way unlawful' and weren't a factor in his decision to resign.巴菲特说,大卫和我都没觉得他买Lubrizol股票有任何违法的地方,这不是他决定辞职的原因。

10.Yet, having investigated further, the audit committee now suggests he "intended to deceive" you about his purchases of Lubrizol stock.然而,随着调查进一步深入,你的审计委员会如今表示,在购买路博润股票一事上,他“曾企图欺骗”你。