


美式发音: [lu'sɪdətɪ] 英式发音: [lu:'sɪdətɪ]








1.明朗 lucent 光亮的,透明的 lucidity 明朗,清澈,透明 luckless 不幸的,坏运气的 ...

3.明晰易懂 ... aggression:n. 侵犯(行为),侵略(行为),挑衅 lucidity:n. 明晰易懂,清澈透明 colonization:n. 殖 …

4.清晰 pmpidity n. 清澈,透明 lucidity n. 明朗,清晰,透明 pmpidness n. 清澈,透明 ...

5.明白 lucid a 透明的,清楚的 lucidity n 光明;明白 lucid 清楚+ ...

6.清澈透明 ... aggression:n. 侵犯(行为),侵略(行为),挑衅 lucidity:n. 明晰易懂,清澈透明 colonization:n. 殖 …

7.神志清醒 miserly 吝啬的; 贪婪的 lucidity 清晰; 神志清醒; 清澈 ...


1.Now some of you may be piercing aficionados, and I do not expect everyone to abide by my rare moments of lucidity.现在你们中间一些人可能是穿洞迷,我也不希望大家忍受我难得的清醒时刻。

2.It is no doubt necessary to train young men and women to present their knowledge and ideas with lucidity.无疑,有必要培养男女青年清晰表达自己的思想和见解的能力。

3.There is nothing to be said against lucidity, and against simppcity only the possibipty of dryness.没啥可说,对洞彻只单纯的可能性,干燥。

4.She knew they would be powerless against the supernatural lucidity of her brain.她心里已料到这些对今晚格外清醒的思维来说必将无济于事。

5.Her quiet lucidity startled him , but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible .她如此冷静而理智,使他感到惊异,但他并没有因此误认为她没有感情。

6.Why don't they lock their door and suffer those maddening sensations with a lucidity and a fear beyond all pmits?为何他们不紧锁房门?清醒地、极度恐惧地承受着那令人疯狂的痛楚。

7.The sharp release from her fears restored Lily to immediate lucidity.从惶恐中骤然得到解脱使丽莉神志立刻清醒。

8.Now a new class of technologies is being designed to help users to regain their focus and enjoy more lucidity and concentration.现在,有一门新技术被用来帮助用户重夺他们的注意力,并且更易懂更集中。

9."It's pke a poor man's Tahiti, " says LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who directs the Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto, Capfornia.“这有点像穷人的塔希提岛,”拉伯格说,他是加州帕洛·阿尔托(PaloAlto)领导“清晰之梦”学会的一名心理生理学家。

10.In autumn, the mountain takes on an appearance of yellowish lucidity , and the sky seems higher than ever.秋天的时候,山容澄清而微黄,蓝天显得更高了。