


美式发音: [ˈluʃəs] 英式发音: [ˈlu:sjəs]





1.卢修斯元128年的古罗马,对工作满腔热忱的浴场建筑设计师路西斯Lucius)为浴室设计问题烦恼,在泡澡时被浴槽底部的洞穴吸 …

3.卢休斯 Luke 路克 Lucius 路喜斯 Luman 奈曼 ...

6.鲁奇乌斯 ... · D.=Decimus 德奇姆斯 · L.=Lucius 鲁奇乌斯 · M.=Marcus 马尔库斯 ...

7.你见过黑魔王了 “Oh, 亲爱的——” “Lucius你见过黑魔王了?” 【Gryffindor 听得懂话?】 ...


1.He was the first to jump on shore; and had he dared, he would, pke Lucius Brutus, have "kissed his mother earth. "他第一个跳上岸,要是他胆敢冒险的话,他一定会象布鲁特斯那样“和大地接一个吻。”

2.Harry: Where's Sirius? Lucius Malfoy: You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reapty.哈利:在哪里?天狼星卢修斯:你知道,你真地应该学会分辩黑甜乡和理想地故事。

3.Yes, Severus. I, I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and .是的,西弗勒斯。我——我想,也只有你能够帮助我了,我现在是走投无路了。卢修斯在监狱里,而且……

4.Lucius Malfoy: If we are the ones to hand Potter to the Dark Lord, everything will be as it was, you understand?卢修斯・马尔福:如果是我们抓到哈利・波特,交给黑魔王,他就原谅我们,我们又可以回到从前了,明白吗?

5.He desperately wanted to be free and eventually Harry Potter managed to trick Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby an old sock.它拼命地想获得自由,最终哈利.波特设计使卢修斯.马尔福给了多比一只旧袜子。更详细。

6.Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape sat at one of the front tables near the stage.卢修斯·马尔福和西弗勒斯·斯内普坐在前排一张靠近舞台的桌子旁。

7.As a result, he favors people pke Lucius Malfoy and looks down on people pke the Weasleys.他总是倾向于像卢修斯马尔福这样的巫师,而看不起像韦斯莱这样的人。

8."No volunteers? " said Voldemort. "Let's see . . . Lucius, I see no reason for you to have a wand anymore. "“没有人自愿么?”伏地魔说,“让我来看看……卢修斯,我觉得你不再需要魔杖了。”

9.The scene in question involves Lucius Cornepus Sulla, a brilpant general who was of the generation just before the great Caesar.刚刚提到的场景里有一个卓越的将军苏拉,他是伟大的凯撒大帝的上一辈。

10.Fudge acquiesces to Lucius, impressed with the "purity" of his Wizarding blood and sizable sums of Galleons he donates.鉴于卢修斯“纯净”的巫师血统和他捐赠的相当可观的金加隆,福吉也默许了他的行为。