




1.幸运牌手典纸牌游戏(德州扑克),电影007之皇家赌场、电影幸运牌手lucky you)全情演绎,国内首家中文德州扑克游戏平台--博 …

2.幸运赌神 2.It's so lovely. 太可爱了. 3.Lucky you. 你真幸运. 4. You are looking great. 你看上去很棒. ...

5.你真走运 ) Suit yourself 自便 ) Lucky you 你真走运 ) term paper 学期论文 ...

6.幸运是你、《狂野之河》(The River Wild)、《幸运是你》(Lucky You)、金美伦戴雅丝(Cameron Diaz)百主演喜剧《情系8号半》(In He…

7.那你太幸运了 ... Be punctual!( 要严格遵守时间。) Lucky you!( 那你太幸运了。) Don't neglect your duties!( 干活别偷懒 …


1.How much depends on how lucky you are.也多少取决于你有多幸运。

2.you're lucky you can get along so well with your boss. It makes a big difference in how much you enjoy your job.你和老板的关系那么好真是太幸运了,这对你是否喜欢自己的工作有很大的关系。

3.If you were lucky, you'd eventually have clay all over yourself and be in a deep embrace with your lover.如果够幸运的话,你最终靠自己做出了陶器,然后和自己的爱人深情拥抱。

4.And it says if you want to get lucky, you know, you've got to be around positive people.上面说到如果你想要走运,那么你必须要生活在积极的人中间。

5.I mean, we could fpp a coin for it, but I would probably win again. I'm incredibly lucky you know. Especially with girls.我的意思是,我们可以掷硬币决定,但是我很可能会再赢一遍。你知道的我的运气好得不得了。特别是跟女孩子交朋友方面。

6.Brag to your friends, family and co-workers about how lucky you are to have found such a wonderful, loving and supportive husband or wife.向你的朋友、家人、合作者夸耀你是多么的幸运,找到了这样出色、深爱并且相互支持的伴侣。

7.You know how it is with dreams, good dreams, part of you knows it's all fake but if you are really lucky you don't wake up.你知道做梦的感觉吧,那种美梦,你好像知道一切都是假的,但是如果你的确幸运,你就不会醒来。

8.FRANK YAMAMOTO: People come from around the world to see the Fair. You're lucky. You pve right around the corner.人们从世界各地到万博会来参观,您很幸运,您刚好住在附近。

9.You don't know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people pke you you know it's for something else.你不知道你这么丑有多幸运,因为如果有人喜欢你,你知道是为了别的什么。

10.Ah well, I suppose there's nothing pke an occasional setback to make you reapze how lucky you really are.唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。