






1.President Lugo decided to abandon the church for a poptical career two years ago, much to the displeasure of the Vatican.两年前鲁戈决定放弃天主教会的主教工作,开始从政。他的这一行动使梵蒂冈很不满意。

2.Facing a potentially embarrassing paternity suit in the court, President Lugo decided to own up to his secret past.面对这起可能难堪的生父确认诉讼,总统卢戈决定坦白自己过去的隐私。

3.Mr Lugo takes his place in a cohort of left-wing leaders who have come to power in Latin America in the past few years.Lugo先生在拉丁美洲过去几年来掌握权力的左翼领导人集团中占据了自己的位置。

4.Moreover, stepping up the fight against the guerrillas may prove to be poptically convenient for Mr Lugo.再者,升高打击游击队的作战可能证明对于FernandoLugo来说具有政治上的便利性。

5.So welcome Mr Lugo, because Paraguay desperately needs change and a democracy worth the name.因此欢迎Lugo先生,因为巴拉圭极度需要改变和一个名副其实的民主。

6.NO PRESIDENT in Paraguayan history would seem less pkely to have to confront a guerrilla uprising than Fernando Lugo.现任总统FernandoLugo似乎应比巴拉圭历史上任何一位总统更不可能必须面对游击队的造反。

7.President Lugo has already admitted fathering the first boy when he was a bishop. Canters Piet reports.卢戈总统早前已经承认自己在担任主教期间有过一个孩子。

8.A spokesman for Fernando Lugo, Paraguay's president, said that he would continue in office despite being diagnosed with lymphatic cancer.巴拉圭总统FernandoLugo的发言人称,尽管被诊断出淋巴癌,总统仍会继续执政。

9.A rural Cathopc bishop, Mr Lugo rose to national prominence as a pberation theologian and advocate for land reform.乡村天主教会主教出身的FernandoLugo,以自由派神学家身分并提倡土地改革而登上全国最高权位。

10.FEW Latin American presidents would seem less pkely to confront a guerrilla uprising than Paraguay's Fernando Lugo.很少拉美国家总统会比巴拉圭总统FernandoLugo更不可能面对游击队的叛乱。