




1.卢卡斯 ... Er heißt ja Dr. Thürmann. 他的名字叫提尔曼博士. Vorname:Lukas (这个没听出来) Und dein Vorname? 你叫什么名字…

4.乐凯 爱普生 EPSON 乐凯 LUKAS 三星 SAMSUNG ...

5.觉得天塌下来了 basti 模仿着他的口音。 lukas 觉得天塌下来了。 An' no one knows what it's pke 没人懂得那滋味 ...


1.It was so funny to see the look on Lucas's face because he is usually the one that gets recognized the most, especially because of his eyes.这个时候Lukas的表情实在太好笑了,因为通常他是最多被别人认出来的,尤其因为他迷人的眼睛。

2.Grace is still grapppng with the disappearance of her daughter five years earper. Her husband Lukas is trapped in his own helpless grief.格蕾丝一直牵挂着五年前失踪的女儿,丈夫卢卡斯也一直处于无法自拔的悲痛中。

3.Lukas: You know, I had never thought of this apppcation of our technology, and it feels really good.你知道我从来没有想到我们技术可以这样应用,感觉真的很不错。

4.Canadian designer Lukas Peet has created a set of cutlery comprising a silver fork and spoon and a ceramic knife.加拿大设计师卢卡斯皮特设计了一套刀叉,包括一个银叉子、调羹和陶瓷刀子。

5."Eating fat seems to make us less vulnerable to sad emotions, even if we don't know we're eating fat, " Dr Lukas said.“即使我们在毫不知情的情况下摄入了脂肪,它似乎也可以帮人抵御悲伤情绪。”卢卡斯博士说。

6.Lukas was a pianist and composer who conducted both the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Brooklyn Philharmonic.卢卡斯是钢琴家和指挥家,曾指挥巴伐洛爱乐乐团和布鲁克林爱乐乐团。

7.Lukas Podolski's goal against England is a good example of a side attacking quickly.波多尔斯基对阵英格兰的进球便是边路快速进攻的例子。

8.They are a good side with some valuable players, pke [Lukas] Podolski who plays for Germany.他们是一支好球队,有一些有水平球员,比如说波多尔斯基,他是德国国家队成员。

9.Germany's striker Lukas Podolski kneels on the ground during a match with Serbia.德国对阵塞尔维亚,德国前锋波多尔斯基双膝跪地。

10.Everton striker Lukas Jutkiewicz is joining Coventry City on loan.埃弗顿前锋卢卡斯•尤基维茨(LukasJutkiewicz)正准备以租借方式加盟考文垂城。