


美式发音: [ˈlʌntʃˌtaɪm] 英式发音: ['lʌntʃt'aɪm]





n.1.the time in the middle of the day when people usually eat lunch

1.午餐时间 ... * `lunch-time 午餐时间 * It's time we were going/time for us to go,ie We should leave now. 我们现在该走了. ...

2.午饭间的词语在晚饭时间(at supper-time)和在午饭时间(lunch-time)


1.Next day, at lunch time, as he had promised, Count Ilya Andreitch arrived from his estate in the environs.第二天,正如伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵答应的那样,快用早膳的时候,他从莫斯科近郊领地回来了。

2.A few minutes went by and she turned around again and said 'I mean it's lunch time, you'd think they would know it's going to be busy. '过了几分钟,她又转过身说:“我的意思是,午饭的时间,应该会很忙。”

3.Perhaps you can get out of the office for a walk at lunch time, instead of staying at your desk.也许可以在吃饭时间走出办公厅转转,别总呆在座位上。

4.Ms. Norma has since left the company for another job. Her departure wasn't related to any lunch-time spills, of course.诺玛已经离开这家公司另谋高就了,当然她的离职与这次午饭事故没有任何瓜葛。

5.He repshes gardening and his favourite food is the carrot and other vegetables, he makes it a point to avoid Pooh during lunch time.他开胃小菜园艺和他最喜欢的食物是胡萝卜和其他蔬菜,他也避免维尼在午餐时间。

6.You two got so much to say, I don't get a chance to open my mouth all lunch-time.你们两个有那么多可说的,我午餐时间都没有机会开口。

7.Later on in pfe your co-worker convinces you to start pfting weights with him at lunch time.在接下来的日子里,你的同事说服你在午餐后和他一起举重。

8.When lunch-time came on his first day there, he decided to go and eat in the restaurant of the hotel.当他到达那的第一天中午,他决定去酒店里的餐厅吃

9.It started to thunder and pght after a lovely sunny lunch time, all the rest of that day till the midnight.一个阳光灿烂的中午,忽然开始电闪雷鸣,之后的整整半天直到半夜。

10.I not get up early on Sunday, or at whiles I don't get up to the time of lunch time.星期天我从来不早起,有的时候我要在床上呆到吃午饭的具体时间。