


美式发音: ['lupɪn] 英式发音: ['luːpɪn]






1.羽扇豆a tall garden plant with many small flowers growing up its thick stem



na.1.The variant of lupine

1.羽扇豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作: ) parsley 欧芹 ...

2.鲁冰花 "LunaVaruga" 魔兽战士 秋津透 ",, "Lupin" 鲁邦三世 ",," "Macron one" 战国魔神豪将军 ",, ...

5.侠盗鲁邦 姓名:保罗·托雷多 Paul Toledo 绰号:侠盗鲁邦 Lupin 姓名:瑞恩·杜尚 Rene Duchamp ...

6.羽扁豆 油菜花 花语 关键词搜索 关键词:羽扁豆(lupin)2 羽扁豆lupin2 羽扁豆...

7.罗苹鲁邦三世灵感来自福尔摩斯的对手:大盗亚森罗苹,因为日本读音的关系翻译上罗苹(Lupin)变成鲁邦。 鲁邦是个IQ高达300的天 …

8.鲁宾鲁宾Lupin)仿制药Suprax(头孢克肟)胶囊获FDA批准Forest获得Nabriva公司抗菌剂BC-3781及收购权利 FDA批准左氧氟 …


1."You got married? " Harry yelped, looking from her to Lupin.“你们结婚了?”哈利叫道,看看她,又看看卢平。

2.She said that none of the angst of her character is there - indeed, she and Lupin are just suddenly a couple when they meet there.她说她的角色出现在那里没有任何问题——事实上,她与卢平在那儿见面的时候,他们刚刚突然成为了一对夫妇。

3.Having lost his wife and his son, Lupin is now free to fully embrace his prodigious criminal career.失去了妻儿,罗宾现在完全投入了他惊人的冒险生涯。

4.I think this an unnecessary expense, but Lupin said he had had a piece of luck, having made three pounds out a private deal in the City.我认为这是不必要的花费,但卢宾说他最近运气好,在城里做私人交易挣了三英磅。

5.I wish Carrie had not given Lupin a latch-key; we never seem to see anything of him.我真希望卡丽没有给卢宾钥匙,自从他拿到钥匙后,我们再也没见过他的人影。

6.I did not know, but refrained from asking any further questions at present, for fear of irritating Lupin.我从没听说过这些人,不过怕卢宾烦恼,就没有再问。

7.But as he reached the ground and sprinted towards the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back.但是当他向台子飞奔过去的时候,卢平抱住哈利,向后拉他。

8.Mungo 's. She was sufficiently healed to join Mad-Eye and Lupin on the platform in King's Cross as they met Harry from the train.后来在国王十字车站的站台上跟疯眼汉和卢平一起与哈利道别时,她的状况已经恢复得差不多了。

9.We had some music, and Lupin, who never left Daisy's side for a moment, raved over her singing of a song, called "Some Day. "我们播放起音乐,一直陪在戴西身边的卢宾对她唱的一首歌--《有一天》赞不绝口。

10.Lupin told me, privately, it was an advertising firm, and he did notthinkmuchofit.卢宾私下告诉我,这是一家广告公司,他觉得不怎么样。