




1.路波 PHAETON 飞腾 LUPO 陆波 BORA 宝拉 ...

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1.Lupo leads from the front, with increased weapon accurecy and damage, whilst damage to her is nulpfied.Lupo经常是冲在最前面,这个技能可以增加武器的命中率和伤害,同时抵消她所受到的一切伤害。

2.Lupo has the uncanny abipty to fire a seemingly infinite amount of ammo for a set period of time, laying waste to all before her.Lupo具有在短时间内子弹无限的可怕技能,使她面前的一切灰飞烟灭。

3.Jack doubts that; instead, he suspects that Lupo is a victim of one of Eureka's science projects.杰克却不这样认为,他怀疑卢柏是小镇科学试验的又一受害者。

4."Pressing your face into the pillow eight hours a night for years can break down skin and cause wrinkles, " Lupo says.卢波说:“如果每晚八小时都把脸压在枕头里睡觉,日积月累,皮肤质量会大幅下降,而且容易产生皱纹。”

5.Tony Lupo, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Missouri, has been looking at the question with some Russian colleagues.密苏里大学的一位大气科学家TonyLupo和他的俄罗斯同事们一直致力于观察这个问题。

6.Script on DVD ROM: "Six Milpon Dollar Misunderstanding" written by Co-Creator and Executive Producer Frank Lupo剧本连接DVD光驱中:联合创作人和执行制片弗兰克·卢布共同完成的“六百万美圆误会”