



美式发音: [lʊr] 英式发音: [ljʊə(r)]




复数:lures  过去式:lured  现在分词:luring  同义词


v.entice,tempt,attract,draw in,ensnare




n.1.something that attracts someone to a situation that they may wish they had avoided; usually singular2.an object used for attracting fish or animals that you want to catch

v.1.to persuade somebody to do something by making it look very attractive

1.诱惑 to frequent 频繁(出没) lured 诱惑,吸引 rare 罕见的 ...

2.吸引 to frequent 频繁(出没) lured 诱惑,吸引 rare 罕见的 ...

3.引诱 ... locale 场所 lured 吸引,引诱 magnify 放大;强化 ...

4.放置诱饵打猎 remove 脱掉身上某件防具。 lured 放置诱饵打猎。 makelove 和某人做爱。 ...

5.香饵钓金鳌 ... 科学怪人大战狼人 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man 香饵钓金鳌 Lured 新科学怪人 Frankenstein - 1970 ...


1.He lured me on a walk one cold February afternoon with a promise of a drink at my favorite fancy hotel bar afterward.那是个周二的下午,天儿挺冷的,他却非要带我去走走,说散步之后就带我去我最喜欢的那个酒店酒吧喝东西。

2.Fancy came out of the darkened room and lured him on, a thing of flaming brightness.幻想从漆黑的病房里出来了,像火焰一样明亮,引诱着他。

3.So good, in fact, that Westergren claims to have lured more than 2% of the total radio audience of his broadcast competitors.事实上是相当不错,魏氏声称其所有竞争对手的超过2%的广播电台听众已经被吸引过来。

4.Another large investor also voiced concerns that BHP could be lured into overpaying due to the hostile nature of the deal.另一位大投资者也表达了担忧,认为由于交易的敌意性质,必和必拓可能被诱惑支付过高价格。

5.A strict, conservative teacher is lured by three of his beautiful, nubile young female students into a compromising situation.一个严厉保守的老师被三个年轻貌美的女学生所勾引,从而开始一步步地妥协。

6.No one knows how much booty they removed from ships lured by their lanterns to smash on the jagged rocks.他们用旌旗灯号灯诱使船只朝尖如锯齿的岩石上猛撞,谁也不知道他们从出事的船上搬走了几何财物。

7.Ben and his sister Becky said the bear was pkely lured into the car by a certain scintillating scent.Ben和他的姐妹Becky说,这头熊可能是被某种香味所引诱而进入汽车的。

8.Mr. Hayashi said he and others might have been lured into a false sense of security.林先生说,他和其他人可能被骗进了一种虚假的安全感。

9.Those with a passing interest in history recall how the last time the Tories lured them into government the party was consigned to obpvion.对历史稍感兴趣的人会记得,上一次保守党引诱他们组建联合政府,自由民主党最终被遗忘到九霄云外。

10.The thief lured him to the doorway and his accomppce hit him on the head.小偷把他引到了门洞里,他的同伙在他头上重重一击。