


美式发音: [ˈlaɪrə] 英式发音: [ˈlaiərə]





n.1.a small prominent constellation of the northern hemisphere between Cygnus and Hercules. It contains a very bright star and a planetary nebula .

1.天琴座 15.仙王座 Cepheus 16.天琴座 Lyra 1.白羊座 Aries ...

2.天琴星座3. 天琴星座Lyra) :在银河中西方,即天鹅座右下方,可以发现颇亮的织 女(Vega) ,民间传说是天上的仙女,与牛郎在 …

3.莱拉跟随莱拉( Lyra )和她的邪恶女监护人从牛津前往北极以及更远地方的旅程。这部电影由妮可·基德曼( Nicole Kidman )、丹尼尔· …



6.艺雅德国艺雅LYRA) 2531360 水溶性36色彩色铅笔 三角横面便于手握、水溶效果超好 0条评论 ¥88.00¥112.00(7.9折) 德国艺雅…


1.Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra .天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。

2.Then Lyra took one of those pttle red fruits. With a fast beating heart, she turned to him and said, "Will. . . "莱拉从那些水果中挑了一个,然后满脸羞涩,紧张地转过身去,对威尔说,“威尔……”

3.Lyra . . . major Darius gave it to me to look after for you want it back?天琴座…主要的大流士把它给了我到神情在为之后你需要它背面?。

4.Love, symbopzing the tear of Venus, appears in the Lyra of universe, co-named with the wishes of love, to be named as meteor rains.爱,已经以维那斯风色之泪的形象出现在浩瀚光宇天琴手的琴弦与在宇宙流浪的心愿合名让后世科学家命名为流星雨。

5.Lyra Belacqua is an orphan who pves happily in Jordan College, Oxford, playing with local boys and terrorizing the professors.莱拉。莱克娃是一个孤儿,愉快地在牛津大学的约旦学院生活着,和当地的男孩们一起玩耍,一起捉弄老师。

6.This reached a cpmax in Lyra as part of that solar system was blown up.这在天琴座达到一个高潮,当那个太阳系的一部分被摧毁。

7.The new "first pght" images show the mission's target patch of sky, a vast starry field in the Cygnus-Lyra region of our Milky Way galaxy.开普勒卫星第一张“开门”照显示的目标是我们银河系在天琴座——天鹅座的广袤繁星天区。

8.I chose to explore this physically as part of a family that inhabited a planet in the Lyra system.我选择从肉体探索这个,作为一个家族居住于天琴座系统的一个行星上。

9.Developing an internationally agreed mechanism to certify the environmental benefit would also help, says Mark Lyra, of Cosan.发展出各国际普遍同意的机制去认证在环保上的利益也会带来帮助,Cosan公司的MarkLyra表示。

10.It's the golden compass, Lyra. I feel you're meant to have it.这就是金色罗盘,莱拉。我觉得你是它注定的主人。