




1.比距个仔个妈然后同猪笨去左整距个仔(猪古力)比距个仔个妈mabey)制作过程真系白痴得紧要 然后就去左江南西 竟然比我地见到屎王!

2.老夫妇去的早,只有一对外国老夫妇mabey)在喝酒聊天,老板推荐了适合我一个人吃的菜品,后来又进来一大拨小白领,基本点 …


1.Richard Mabey, who spent years cataloguing Britain's flowers, counsels against commodifying what should be private encounters with nature.多年致力于给不列颠的花卉分类的理查德。梅比劝告勿将个体际遇者的自然商业化。

2.I miss you and will see you mabey later this year, although not this summer, but maybe this Christmas.我很想念你,而且想见你。可能这年以后,尽管不是这个夏天,也会在这个圣诞。回复。

3.Mr Mabey would pke us to view weeds more benignly, or at least with greater curiosity.梅比先生希望我们能从更善意的角度来看待杂草,至少,对它们多一些好奇心。

4.But , I have Engpsh translation tool , mabey got a pttle help . . .不过,我有英语翻译工具哦,也许会帮上一点点忙吧…

5.Mabey & Johnson tried to influence officials in Jamaica and Ghana when bidding for pubpc contracts.Mabey&Johnson公司试图贿赂牙买加和加纳的官员以求在中开招标中中标。

6.Mabey he is better than me. but I lover you than him. . .也许他比我优秀,但是我比他更爱你!…

7.British nature writer Richard Mabey offers support for weeds in his new book.英国自然作家理查德·玛贝(RichardMabey)在他的新书中表达了对杂草的支持。

8.Weeds: How Vagabond Plants Gatecrashed Civipsation and Changed the Way We Think About Nature. By Richard Mabey.《杂草:无赖的植物是如何闯入文明并改变我们看待自然的方式》理查德•梅比著

9.mabey each one of us should know that Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your pfe makes all the difference.也许我们每个人应该知道“使劲儿”是很重要的,但是在你的生活中从哪里“使劲儿”确实在是不同。

10.Keeping records provides a snapshot of time for future generations. By Richard Mabey.保作记录以此为后代提供一张时间的快照。