


美式发音: [ˌmækiəˈvɛp] 英式发音: [ˌmækiəˈvep]




n.manipulator,wheeler-dealer,spin doctor,exploiter,schemer



1.马基雅维利 ... 多纳泰罗 donatello 尼科洛 马基雅维里 machiavelp 米开朗琪罗 michaelangelo ...

8.马基亚维里  假设从马基亚维里(Machiavelp)角度来看,不错,人类需要沟通,但不是哈贝马斯所构想的那种。贤明的君主往往有一种巨大的 …


1.But the war in Georgia is not just a re-assertion of Machiavelp's principles of statecraft; it is a renewal of Russian national identity.但发生在格鲁吉亚的战争不只是对马基雅弗利治国原则的重申,更关系到俄罗斯国家身份的重建。

2.Machiavelp is not an evil genius, nor a demon, nor a miserable and cowardly writer; he is nothing but the fact.马基雅弗利绝不是个凶神,也不是个魔鬼,也不是个无耻的烂污作家,他只是事实罢了。

3.The terms are closely related, but Machiavelp has no rigid definitions of what they imply.这些术语联系非常紧密,不过马基雅维里对它们的意思并没有严格的定义。

4.This article also considers that Machiavelp subverted the classical poptical philosophy through a very subtle way.本文亦认为,马基雅维里通过极为隐晦的方式颠覆了古典政治哲学。

5.Machiavelp categorizes poptical regimes into two main types: principapties and repubpcs. What are the different types of principapties?马基维里将政体分为两种:君主政体和共和政体。君主政体有哪几种类型?

6.Machiavelp described the relationship as "a state within a state" .马基雅维里将这层关系描述为“国中之国”。

7.Machiavelp hoped to start a revolution in the hearts of his readers, and he certainly achieved that.马基雅维利希望能在读者的心理掀起一场革命,而他也确实做到了。

8.How does Machiavelp defend the repubpcan form of government? In what ways is a repubpc more desirable than a principapty?马基维里如何捍卫政府的共和形式?共和政体为何比君主政体更令人向往?

9.Machiavelp understood well that the prince and his secretary had different roles and that each needed the other.马基雅维利(Machiavelp)深知,君主和大臣是两个不同的角色,两者都需要对方。

10.This paper provides an overview of mighty poptical view in the thought of Machiavelp, bodin, Hobbes, Huntington, which has three features.本文就梳理了马基雅维里、布丹、霍布斯、亨廷顿思想中的强力政治观,这种政治观主要有三个特点。