


美式发音: [ˈmækɪnˌtɑʃ] 英式发音: [ˈmækɪntɒʃ]





mackintosh— see alsomac


n.1.a raincoat

1.麦金托什 雨燕〖 swift〗 雨衣〖 raincoat;mackintosh〗 雨意〖 signsofapproachingrain〗 ...

3.防水胶布 macigno 复理石相 mackintosh 防水胶布;胶布雨衣 Maclaurin series 马克劳林级数 ...

4.橡皮布 mackinaw 方格纹毛毯 mackintosh 橡皮布 macle 斑点 ...

5.胶布雨衣 macigno 复理石相 mackintosh 防水胶布;胶布雨衣 Maclaurin series 马克劳林级数 ...

6.麦金窦希分离派对外十分开放,还为外国人办过设计展,如英国的麦金窦希Mackintosh)作品展,至今这个团体存在,不过1920年 …

7.麦金陶什如英国的建筑师麦金陶什Mackintosh)奥地利的瓦格纳阳(Otto Wagner)等,他们的建筑画色彩清新,但没有空间和光影效 …


1.When this concoction of his was later used to make a flexible, waterproof raincoat, the garment quickly became known as the mackintosh.他炮制的这一调配织物后来用于缝制柔软的防水雨衣,人们很快就把这种服装称为mackintosh。

2.When I get back to London, I shall offer this secret to the Mackintosh firm for ten thousand pounds.我一回到伦敦,就要把这个秘密一万块钱卖给麦金都索防水服公司。

3.The sight of the Mackintosh house had pricked the last bubble of hope remaining to her .麦金托什家这番景象已经把她的最后一丝希望都挖去了。

4.The watercolours Mackintosh painted in his last years in the south of France, after he had given up architecture, are quite superb.麦金托什晚年放弃建筑之后,在法国南部画的水彩相当出色。

5.BSorrow and trouble either soften the heart or harden it . James Mackintosh , British writer.悲哀和烦恼不是使人心软,就是使人心狠。英国作家麦金托什。

6.blanket immediately cured in blanket. Mackintosh ink picture and text and then 100% to transfer to the paper or other media.橡皮布立即固化在橡皮布上.橡皮布上的油墨图文再100%地转印到纸或其他介质上。

7.THE NORTHERN REVIEW took his essay, "The Cradle of Beauty, " MACKINTOSH'S MAGAZINE took "The Palmist" - the poem he had written to Marian.《北方评论》采用了他的论文《美的摇篮》;《麦金托什杂志》采用了他为茉莉安写的诗《手相家》。

8.The spmy pavement looked pke a wet mackintosh .粘搭搭的人行道看来象一件湿雨衣。

9.bring down my mackintosh and travelpng - cloak , and some stout shoes , though we shall do pttle walking.你应该带一双结实的鞋子,其实,我们步行的时候很少,也许根本用不着步行。

10.Mackintosh was in clear disagreement with Meltzer on the role of regulation.麦金托什与迈尔策在监管起作用的问题上存在明显的分歧。