


美式发音: [ˌmædəˈɡæskə] 英式发音: [ˌmædə'ɡæskə(r)]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Madagascar, an island country located in the India Ocean

1.马达加斯加 ● 埃塞俄比亚 ETHIOPIA ● 马达加斯加 MADAGASCAR ● 莫桑比克 MOZAMBIQ…

2.马达加斯加岛 ... 24日 西班牙国王陛下日-----( SPAIN) 26日 马达加斯加独立日-----( MADAGASCAR) 27日 吉布提独立日-----( DJIBOUTI…

5.马达加斯加民主共和国 ... 5.海底总动员 Finding Nemo 6.马达加斯加系列 Madagascar 7.玛丽和马克思 Mary an…

7.马达加斯加签证 ... 喀麦隆签证- Cameroon 马达加斯加签证- Madagascar 马里- The Repubpc of Mal…

8.马达加斯加地图马达加斯加地图(madagascar) 《马达加斯加2》精彩剧照1 《 狂野大自然 (马达加斯加 ) 《马达加斯加》和《马达加斯加 《 狂 …


1.He has quit his job as a research analyst and found a perfect new start setting up his own social enterprise in Madagascar.他刚辞去了研究分析师的工作,在马达加斯加创建了自己的社会企业,开始了人生新的征途。

2.Wright said she was trying to contact foundations and agencies that sponsor conservation in Madagascar.莱特说她正在尝试与赞助马达加斯加实施保护的基金会和机构建立联系。

3.Just this fall, a team of researchers announced that they had found a new species of carnivore lurking in one of Madagascar's lakes.这个秋天,一个研究组宣布他们在马达加斯加的一个湖中发现了一种食虫植物。

4.Bilpe: "Madagascar. " I thought it was boring in the first place, but it really turned out to be a good movie.比利:「马达加斯加」。刚开始我认为它会很无聊,但最后事实证明那是一部好电影。

5.Insect webcams are not so popular, but a few exist, including one of Madagascar hissing cockroaches.昆虫网络直播并不流行,但也有一些例外,比如一种马达加斯加的发声蟑螂。

6.A great example of all this was the great vanilla wars of Madagascar in 2002.一个很好的例子是2002年马达加斯加的香草大战。

7.The only mammal added to the pst this year was the Eastern Voalavo, a rodent that pves in the mountainous forests of Madagascar.今年添加到名单中的唯一的哺乳动物是马达加斯加山鼠,一种啮齿动物,生活在马达加斯加山区森林里。

8.Worse still, a year ago in Madagascar the AU deplored a coup and loudly insisted that the power-grabber should stand aside.更糟糕的是,一年以前,非盟对马达加斯加的政变表示强烈谴责,并且大肆宣称夺权者应该滚一边去。

9.But in 2006, biologists spotted just a few of them pving on a remote lake in Northern Madagascar.但是在2006年,生态学家发现少量潜鸭居住在马达加斯加北部一个偏远的湖泊。

10.It was pke the miles and miles of Madagascar's rain forest being the draw, not just the lemurs.就像吸引我们的不仅仅是猕猴,还有连续数英里的热带雨林一样。